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Authentic Ancient Weapons for Sale
Mesopotamia, c. 2nd millennium BC. Fantastic and very rare Mesopotamian sling bullet. Made of ceramic, with rounded profile and pointed ends, capable of serious damage in the hands of the skilled Mesopotamian warriors. 47 mm (1 7/8") long with nice reddish color. Ex Royal Athena Galleries, New York City acquired on the London Art Market October 1989. #AP2089: $299 SOLD
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Related search topics: ancient weapons for sale, ancient battlefield weaponry, Roman weapons, Ancient Rome Greece spears, Roman Greek spear heads, ancient arrowheads, Greco-Roman arrow heads, Persian bronze weapons, Holy Land arrowheads, Medieval Europe ancient history battles, spearheads for sale, Los Angeles California USA
Spanish Bronze Age, 1000-700 BC. Bronze deltoid cast head, pointed barbs. 79 mm long and sharp! #mus12: $225 SOLD

Byzantine Empire, c. 8th - 10th Century AD. Excellent terracotta "Greek Fire" hand grenade. Nice rounded form with nipple at base and black slip on the spout. H: 4" (10.2 cm). Intact with light earthen deposits. Ex Thomas Cotterill collection, early 19th Century, UK. #AB2004x2: $525 SOLD

Mesopotamia, c. 2nd millennium BC. Fantastic group of very rare Mesopotamian sling bullets. Made of ceramic, they are rounded with pointed ends and quite heavy, capable of serious damage in the hands of the skilled Mesopotamian warriors. It is also surmised that these were the types of sling-bullets used in the Holy Land during the time of Biblical David and his defeat of Goliath. Nice reddish to burned black to tan color, nicer in hand than this washed-out photo allows. Ex Royal Athena Galleries, New York City acquired on the London Art Market October 1989.
#AP2070 & AP2071: Individually-priced above. (SOLD OUT)
Holy Land. Rare Canaanite bronze short sword, Late 2nd - early 1st Millennium BC. The blade with a heavy midrib, a long rectangular bar separating the angled shoulders of the blade and the top of the tang. Gorgeous light green patina. 15 5/8" (39.6 cm) long, and heavy! Intact with evident of repeated sharpening and use. Ex Los Angeles private collection. A13159x2: $975 SOLD
Holy Land. Bronze Age, 1st millennium BC. Bronze dagger blade. Narrow blade with midrib, the tang short with a hole for the attachment of a handle. 197 mm (7 3/4") long. Intact with nice red to green patina, some earthen deposits. Ex-Midwest USA museum deaccession. #WP2006x2: $275 SOLD
Holy Land. Bronze Age, c. 1500 - 1000 BC. Nice bronze socketed spear head. Long mid-rib and short socket. Still very sharp, with narrow blades from weathering and re-sharpening in antiquity. Nice brown "river" patina. Petrified wood remains inside the socket! Measures over 9 1/2" long. Very very cool. Ex-Midwest USA museum deaccession. #WP2007x2: $350 SOLD
Holy Land bronze spear-point, circa 1200 - 1000 BC. Biblical Palestine/Judaea. This fantastic genuine ancient weapon has survived Intact and untouched with a gorgeous blue-green crystalized azurite patina and age related encrustation. It has a prominent rased mid-rib terminating proximally into a rat tail handle. Fine engraved "V"-shaped design up the mid-rin on both sides. 103 mm (4 inches) long. Ex-Old English collection. #2x4847: $275 SOLD

Crusades grenade! Near East, Islamic Period, c. 7th-9th Century AD. A terracotta ‘grenade’ in the form of a stylized fish. The body of the weapon has a fin-like backside and a small tail, raised and incised bands with rippling decorate the back. The lip is very thick with a narrow neck to tie a stopper. Intact, light yellowish earthen slip with some Arabic markings on one side. 3 7/8" (10 cm) long. Ex Henk Huffener 19th Century collection, UK. #0411149: $599 SOLD