The Valley of the Kings.
Built all beneath an enormous natural "pyramid" mountain.
The Valley of the Kings: Egyptian workers clearing debris from a newly discovered tomb
Beautiful illuminated paintings inside one of the tombs
Inside a tomb at the Valley of the Kings
A sarcophagus at the Valley of the Kings.
King Tutankhamun's Tomb. He is still laying in his gold sarcophagus beneath the glass.
Ancient Amarna. The lost city of Akhenaten.
The only column or distinguishing mark at the entire site is here.
There were literally millions upon millions of fragmentary pot shards and artifacts strewn across the desert floor dating to Akhenaten's Amarna.
Amarna: The Palace of Nefertiti
Basically, this is how the entirety of the once-great city of Amarna now looks.
Tomb at Amarna. We had fun here. Christian escapees of Herod's Egypt hid here and painted the walls with religious symbolism. I thought it was spectacular.
Way deep in a tomb in Amarna. Only our torches to light the way. No clue how to get back.
Until we found...
Pottery and bones way way way down in this tomb at Amarna. The only light was from our torches.
Buffalo and Amarna boy.
The tombs at Beni Hasan. Far above the Nile.
Our escort around these parts. We dared not go out of bounds when these guys were throwing their weight around.
All contents (C) 2003-2017 AD. All rights reserved.
Owned, Operated, and Obsessed Upon by Gabriel Vandervort.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.