Ancient Scythian Artifacts for Sale, c. 7th -4th Century BC.

Below is a small group of lead artifacts unearthed in the 1960's near the ancient Scythian town of Gota (Olbia), on the fringes of ancient Greece. The area is now known as Ukraine.

To the Scythians, 'Gota' or 'place of the cows' was called so because of the ox-worshipping cult of the area. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, the powerful Scythian king named Skil (Skyul or Skul) reigned from a large palace here (Herodotus IV: 79).

Oxen and other animals were a favorite motif in the local histories, and a number of lead votive artifacts have been found in the area. The skulls of seven bucrania (bulls) were discovered in the cistern of the town, and lead offerings depicting the bull skull adorned with wreaths and other decorations were found in the region as well. Here is a photograph I took on the Greek island of Delos of a column base depicting the sacred figure.

Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Great Scythian bronze zoomorphic horse fitting. In the form of a mythical bird head. Holed through for attachment. H: 4 cm (1 1/2"). Nice smooth olive-green patina, light earthen deposits. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AG2187: $199 SOLD

Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Nice Scythian bronze zoomorphic horse fitting. In the form of a mythical bird head. Holed through for attachment. Nicely-incised details. H: 33 mm (1 1/4"). Olive-green patina, light earthen deposits. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AG2212: $175 SOLD

Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Nice Scythian bronze zoomorphic fitting. In the form of a bird. Holed through for attachment. H: 30 mm (1 1/8"). Dark green patina. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AG2243: $125 SOLD

Scythian, c. 7th-4th century BC. Lead amulet depicting a male head in wide-brimmed hat. 19x19 mm. Very interesting! #9814: $85 SOLD

Scythian, c. 7th-4th century BC. Lead votive artifact in the form of a ram's horn. 38x38 mm. #9856: $60

Scythian, c. 7th-4th century BC. Large lead plaque. 45x31 mm. #9846: $50 SOLD

See also:
Scythian arrowheads HERE

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All contents (C) 2003-2025 AD. All rights reserved.
Owned, Operated, and Obsessed Upon by Gabriel Vandervort.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.

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An inscription has been discovered in the area on a gold ring attributed to him: BASILEWS SKUL ALKIM 'Of the brave king¨Skyl'. For information regarding to the bucrania discovered in a cistern, see (Levi 1985: 83-4, fig. 77).
Bucranium plaque
30x27 mm. #bull03: $85

Votive piece depicting two running horses. Measures 38 mm. Nice! #9833: $135 SOLD

Lot of 2 Scythian lead votive items. #9874: 18 - 35 mm. $40/pair SOLD

Scythian, c. 7th-4th century BC. Lead crescent amulet. 34 mm across. #cres01: $50 SOLD

Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Great Scythian bronze zoomorphic horse fitting. In the form of a mythical bird head. Holed through for attachment. Great form!
H: 38 mm (1 1/2"). Nice smooth olive-green patina, light earthen deposits. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AG2213: $175

Votive Axe-head
35x17 mm. #axe4102: $65

Excellent Bucranium (bull head) plaque! #bucr9825: $85 SOLD

Ancient Scythian, c. 600 BC. Asia Minor. Fantastic bronze bracelet. Comprised of one long solid piece of bronze, rounded in profile, with intricately-incised terminals. Insire diameter 67 mm (2 3/16"); opening 30 mm (1 3/16") across. Great brassy tone. Wearable! ex-C. Nettles collection, Walnut Creek, CA; Ex-Tebo Coin Company, Boulder, CO. #AG2157: $299 SOLD

Highlight of the collection! Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Marvelous Scythian bronze zoomorphic decoration in the form of a bird's head. Highly decorated with well-detailed expressive ete, beak and lightly engraved "feathers" on the face. 48 mm (1 15/16") long, with lovely green patina. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AG2142: $250 SOLD

Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Marvelous Scythian bronze zoomorphic decoration in the form of a bird's head.
Both sides nicely detailed with large round eye, deep indented decoration below. W: 34 mm (1 5/16", with nice reddish-green patina. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AG2148: $199

FEATURED: Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Marvelous Scythian bronze zoomorphic decoration in the form of an eagle's head.
Nicely detailed with large round eye and well-executed features, suspension hoop on back of neck. W: 45 mm (1 3/4"). Nice smooth olive-green patina. Gorgeous! ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AG2149: $275

FEATURED: Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Great Scythian bronze zoomorphic horse fitting. In the form of a mythical bird/animal with a foot or hoof and bird head. Holed through for attachment. H: 4 cm (1 1/2"). Nice smooth olive-green patina. Gorgeous! ex-Mark Reid, Time Machine. #AG2150: $199 SOLD

Scythian, c. 7th-6th century BC. Fantastic Scythian bronze zoomorphic horse fitting. In the form of a mythical bird! Suspension loop on back for attachment. Great form and nicely detailed! H: 56 mm (2 3/16"). Nice smooth olive-green patina. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AG2211: $400 SOLD