Tairona culture, Colombia, c. 1000-1500 AD. Charming bone staff terminal in the form of a seated pelican with cross design on either side. Nice orange-brown coloration from age and mineral deposits. Small trace of red pigment below tail of pelican. A minor repair at feet and another at the bird’s neck, otherwise a nice piece! H: 3 3/4" (9.8 cm). #0310304: $375 SOLD
Jamacoaque culture, Ecuador, c. 900-1200 AD. Beautiful terracotta maskette. Nicely detailed with highly burnished surfaces. Intact with good age deposits and great style. Measures 3" (7.7 cm). Mounted on custom stand. See Labbe, "Columbia Before Columbus" for similar example. Ex East Coast collection. #1210358-2: $325 SOLD
Jamacoaque, Ecuador, c. 500 - 1000 AD. Nice ceramic whistle figure. Depicts a standing male with large, ornate headdress, wide necklace and loincloth. Mold-made with nice style and good detail. Losses to feet and hands, traces of red and yellow pigment, earthen deposits. Old collection number inked on back. Measures 122 mm (4 3/4"). Ex Dr. J. Hilsabeck estate, acquired from the 1950's to early 1980's. #PR2097: $299 SOLD
LaTolita, Ecuador, 400 BC - 400 AD. Great ceramic stamp seal. Depicts 3 individuals holding hands, probably a dance scene. 2-7/8" long. From the collection Bob Murray – Cleveland, GA, collected 1984 - 1987. Nice piece, blurry photo. #PR2156: $250 SOLD

Jamacoaque, Ecuador, c. 500 - 1000 AD. Great ceramic whistle figure. Depicts a standing deity, with snarling expression, wide collar, animal fur and loincloth. Mold-made with nice style and very nice detail. Losses to hands and feet, earthen deposits. Measures 115 mm (4 1/2"). Ex Dr. J. Hilsabeck estate, acquired from the 1950's to early 1980's. #PR2099: $275 SOLD
Jamacoaque, Ecuador, c. 500 - 1000 AD. Interesting ceramic whistle figure. Depicts an individual with large headdress, earspools, and large disc pendant around their neck. Very stylized form! Mold-made with nice style. Losses to legs and hands. Traces of black pigment, heavy mineral deposits. Old collection number inked on back. Measures 10 cm (3 7/8"). Ex Dr. J. Hilsabeck estate, acquired from the 1950's to early 1980's. #PR2098: $150 SOLD
Nicoya, ancient Costa Rica, c. 1000 – 1500 AD. An adorable Nicoya polychrome ceramic zoomorphic figure depicting a monkey deity. The head is nicely detailed and the arms encircle the chamber. Intact, good color and mineral deposits. H: 4-1/4". Ex Ray Rantala collection; ex-Arte Xibalba, FL. Much nicer than this washed-out photo! A charming piece. #DJG003: $375 SOLD

3,200 to 5,000 years old!
Valdivia, ancient Ecuador, c. 3000 - 1200 BC. An attractive and large Valdivian female bust. An extremely early type, with characteristic rounded hair or headdress and sunken features, the surfaces with nice red-brown slip. H: 2 3/8" (6 cm). Missing below mid-torso, with nice custom stand (entire piece stands 3 1/4" tall). Wonderful burnished reddish-brown color. Ex Swope collection, New York. #PR2373: $499 SOLD
Narino, Colombia, c. 850 - 1000 AD. Excellent small ocarina in the form of a sea-shell. Intact with beautiful reddish-tan burnished surfaces, holed through for suspension. 50 mm (1 15/16"). Would still make a nice pendant!Ex Joel L. Malter collection, Encino, CA. #PR2205: $199 SOLD
Olmec, Mexico, c. 1200-200 BC. Very large stone bead, carved of light green quartz(?) stone with iridescent crystaline spots. 28 mm (1 inch) diameter and quite thick. Very nice. From my own personal collection; ex-Arte Xibalba, FL. #PR2339: $125 SOLD

Jamacoaque, Ecuador, c. 500 - 1000 AD. Excellent and HUGE ceramic stamp seal. Fragmentary but impressive, with ornate geometric designs. Nice style, crisp detail. Small excavation number inked on back. W: 68 mm (2 5/8"). Ex Dr. J. Hilsabeck estate, Orange County, CA, acquired from the 1950's to early 1980's. An excellent display-piece! #PR2134: $199 SOLD
Jamacoaque, Ecuador, c. 500 - 1000 AD. Great ceramic roller seal. Fragmentary but retaining intricate, deep-cut geometric designs possibly representing stylized animals or humanoid forms. 34 mm (1 3/8"). Ex Dr. J. Hilsabeck estate, Orange County, CA, acquired from the 1950's to early 1980's. #PR2133: $75 SOLD
Colombia, Tairona culture, 1st-11th century AD. Large deep dish with finely-etched linear designs. 7 1/4" dia. x 4 1/4" tall. Old museum numbers inked in red on base. Nice substantial piece, could still be used to store or display dry goods! Deaccessioned from the Tampa Museum of Art – Tampa, FL; ex-Arte Xibalba, FL. #PRC272: $225 SOLD
Vera Cruz, Mexico, c. 600 - 900 AD. Fantastic Vera Cruz terracotta head. With expressive features including wide eyes, pointed nose and open mouth with protruding tongue. Wearing large ear-spools and a wide headdress. This attractive ceremonial censor is a rich, natural terracotta with a hollow cylindrical stem protruding from the back of the head and two large holes behind the ears. Mounted on a custom black metal base. Ex Northern California private collection. #A133461: $550 SOLD
Ancient Mexico. Chinesco, c. 50 – 200 AD. Interesting ceramic figure of a seated female. H: 5" (126 mm ). Legs widely splayed, her arms curved, hands on her hips. Her nose and breasts are raised, with traces of red pigment around her neck, face, waist, and pubic area. She wears large earspools and a tall curved headdress. With mineral deposits and some repair. From the estate of Fred Eisernam - Houston, TX. #PR2072: $175 SOLD
Guangala culture, Ecuador, c. 100-800 AD. Large ceramic neck-rest. Nice incised designs on top, lovely red slip. Broken, but still stands on its own. Root marks on surfaces, old excavation number inked on base. 147 mm (5 3/4") wide, 80 mm (3") tall. ex-Dr. John Hilsabeck estate collection, Orange County, CA, collected between 1950-1985 Beautiful example! #PR2079: SOLD
Nayarit, West Mexico, c. 100 BC - AD 200. A very large and handsome Nayarit seated pregnant woman. In Ixtlan del Rio style, with legs crossed and holding a jar in her left hand. She wears a wrapped headdress, ear spools and a skirt with colorful decoration. 8 1/2 x 6 7/8 in (21.5 x 17.3 cm). In nice condition with black, white & ochre painted details with attractive mottled deposits. Ex Southern California private collection acquired in the 1970's & 1980's. #PR2315: $750 SOLD
A fine Lambayeque figural vessel from Peru, c. 700 - 1300 AD. This highly burnished bottle is 8-1/4" high and features a pair of slouching figures seated atop the chamber, said to represent two drunks. The strap handle has two adornos and the flared base is decorated with the typical geometric designs. An unusual example with good mineral deposits and just a minor repair. From the collection of Pamela Llerena – Miami, FL by descent, from the estate of Erika Roman – Santa Cruz, CA, acquired in 1985. #DJG001: $499 SOLD
Nayarit, West Mexico, c. 900 - 1200 AD. Gorgeous Post-Classic Nayarit polychrome jar. The rounded body adorned with red and black geometric designs over creme slip. A well-preserved example with nicely burnished surfaces. Dimensions: 3 7/8" x 4 3/8" (9.8 cm x 11.3 cm). Ex Clifford Baker collection, San Diego, CA, acquired in the 1960's. Gorgeous color! #PR2288: $650 SOLD
Jamacoaque, Ecuador, c. 500 - 1000 AD. HUGE ceramic roller seal. Fragmentary but retaining intricate, deep-cut geometric designs possibly representing stylized animals. H: 43 mm (1 3/4")! Ex Dr. J. Hilsabeck estate, Orange County, CA, acquired from the 1950's to early 1980's. #PR2130: $125 SOLD
Jamacoaque, Ecuador, c. 500 - 1000 AD. Fine ceramic roller seal. Fragmentary but retaining several bands of deeply-cut concentric rings. Nice light orange color. H: 27 mm (1 1/16"). Ex Dr. J. Hilsabeck estate, Orange County, CA, acquired from the 1950's to early 1980's. #PR2132: $75 SOLD

Narino, Colombia, c. 850 - 1000 AD. Nice small ocarina in the form of a sea-shell. Intact with attractive reddish-tan burnished surfaces, holed through for suspension. 40 mm (1 1/2"). Would still make a nice pendant! Ex Joel L. Malter collection, Encino, CA. #PR2204: $125 SOLD
Costa Rica, c. 500 BC - 1000 AD.
A lovely collection of jade & quartz anthropomorphic pendants.
Colombia, Tairona culture 1000 - 1500 AD.
Lovely group of 10 Tairona zoomorphic pendants, 3/8" - 3/4" long, made from nicely colored jasper and agate. Superbly detailed, includes monkeys and felines. Deaccessioned from the collection of a New England historical society.
#14302: $50 each, or $175 for all four. Sale Pending