Great stone spear point. Archaic period, 4,000 - 1,500 B.P. "Castroville" type. Found at Grand Lake, near Grove, Oklahoma. Dark grey stone with black veins, nice patina. Likely a Boone Chert, which is common for that area and comes in gray, brown and reddish hues. 71 mm (2 3/4") long. Ex-Midwest USA collection. #tp5829: SOLD
Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Beautiful little field-grade notched stone arrowhead, found in Oklahoma. Blue-grey stone, 1 1/8" long. #AN2006: $99 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Early Archaic period, 9500-6000 BP. Large stone arrowhear or spear-tip. Greenbrier type, black/grey chert. found in Humphries County, TN. 61 mm (2 3/8") long. Ex-Midwest USA collection. Nice reddish-tan stone with swirls of black. #AN2001: $250 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Long field-grade stone spear-tip, found in Oklahoma. Gorgeous red stone, nicely knapped edges. 2 3/8" long, broken at base. #AN2007: $50 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Nice field-grade notched stone arrowhead, found in Oklahoma. Lightreddish-tan color. Small "K" inked on back. 1 1/2" long. #AN2005: $50 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Large stemmed-type stone arrowhead found in Butler county, Missouri. 62 mm (just under 2 1/2") long. ex-Helen Bowman collection, Stoddard county, MO. #AN2009: $175 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Lovely notched-type stone arrowhead found in Butler county, Missouri. 50 mm (2") long. Fantastic red stone! ex-Helen Bowman collection, Stoddard county, MO. #AN2011: $175 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Nice field-grade stemmed stone arrowhead, found in Oklahoma. Beautiful grey stone with black veins. 2" long. #AN2003: $125 SOLD
Ancient Native American carved-shell pendant. Woodland period, 900 - 500 B.P. Seems to have been carefully carved from an oyster shell or similar. Bright white color with lovely iridescence. 42 mm (1 5/8") long. Very interesting and quite beautiful. Ex-Midwest USA collection. #tp5861: $175 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Nice stemmed-type stone arrowhead found in Butler county, Missouri. 61 mm (2 3/8") long. Gorgeous grey and white stone! ex-Helen Bowman collection, Stoddard county, MO. #AN2010: $125 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Large and heavy Full-Groove stone axe, late Archaic period, 4000-1500 B.P. Found in a Spencer County, Indiana corn field. Gray to green hardstone, has some plow marks! 134 mm (5 1/4") long, weighs 1 lb, 9 oz! Ex-Midwest USA collection. #TC0502: $350 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Large and heavy Full-Groove stone axe, late Archaic period, 4000-1500 B.P. Found in Fountain County, Indiana. Brown hard stone, Approx 4 1/2" x 3 3/4", weighs 1 lb, 12 oz! Ex-Midwest USA collection. #TC0501: $350 SOLD
Apache, late 19th - early 20th Century. Large Apache water basket. Nicely woven with two suspension loops accented with horse hair, and with remnants of the original coating of Pinyon Pine resin. H: 9 1/2" (24.1 cm). Ex Montrose, CA private collection; ex-B. Cline estate collection, Yuma, AZ. #AN2036: $399 SOLD
Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Large notched-type stone arrowhead found in Butler county, Missouri. 74 mm (just under 3") long. Gorgeous white color. ex-Helen Bowman collection, Stoddard county, MO. #AN2008: $199 SOLD - Ask about other impressive arrowheads I have in stock!

Anasazi, c. 900 - 1200 AD. Fantastic and rare Anasazi miniature ceramic spoon. With deep bowl and tall handle, the interior of the bowl and edges decorated in grey slip which contrasts nicely with the crème ground. 3 1/2" (9 cm). Light deposits and a very rare example. Includes a note with description and the name of the property owner the piece was found on in Montana County, Colorado. Ex Montrose, CA private collection; ex-B. Cline estate collection, Yuma, AZ. #AN2035: $399 SOLD

Nice Anasazi ceramic bowl, American Southwest, c. 1250-1350 AD, hand modelled, the interior nicely adorned decoration in dark brown slip over vibrant red ground. Found near Snowflake, AZ, 4 3/4" x 2 1/2". Repaired. Ex Dr. John Hilsabeck estate, Orange County, CA. Gorgeous! #AN2034: SOLD

Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Beautiful little field-grade notched stone arrowhead, found in Oklahoma. Nice reddish stone. Small "K" inked on back. 7/8". #AN2004: $80 SOLD

Ancient Native American. Late Archaic period, 3500-2000 BP. Nice field-grade stemmed stone arrowhead, found in Oklahoma. Nice creamy-white stone with reddish veins. 1 1/2" long. #AN2002: $99 SOLD

Apache, late 19th - early 20th Century AD. Beautiful and well-preserved Apache water basket. Nnicely woven with two plant fiber handles and coated with Pinyon Pine resin, most of which is still preserved. H: 8" (21.3 cm). A superb example as most of these water baskets lack much of their original pine coating. Ex Montrose, California private collection; ex-B. Cline estate collection, Yuma, AZ. #AN2037: $499 SOLD

Ancient Native American. Archaic, 3700-7000 years old. Fantastic large flint “Turkey Tail” spear-point, found in Tennessee. L: 4 1/8” (10.5 cm), absolutely gorgeous patina. From an old Kentucky collection. #AN2040G2: $250 SOLD

Ancient Native American. Anasazi, ancient Puebloans, c. 700-1200 AD. A rare grouping of artifacts discovered in the 1970's under an overhang on private property in Cass County Texas. The group consists of a large section of woven basket measuring 7 1/2" x 3 3/4", and a couple loose fragments; a bone awl measuring 4 1/2", and four stone arrowheads measuring between 1 1/4" and 1 1/2" long. Attractively mounted in a 12" x 8" Riker mount frame. I am happy to send better photos on request! #AN2045G: $475 SOLD |