Guaranteed Authentic.
Ancient Coins & Artifacts:
Ancient Sassanian Persia. 200--500 AD.
Beautiful solid silver earrings.
Lion made from original carnelian seal.
#DSlions2: $150 SOLD
Ancient Sassanian Persia. 200--500 AD.
Beautiful solid silver earrings.
Desert camel with star and crescent (male and female) made from original calcite seal. #DScamels1: $125 SOLD
Ancient Sassanian Persia. 200--500 AD.
Beautiful solid silver earrings.
Ibex or antelope with star behind, made from original carnelian seal. Hung with ancient stone beads. #DSibex1: $150 SOLD
Ancient Sassanian Persia. 200--500 AD.
Beautiful solid silver earrings.
Ibex or antelope made from original carnelian seal.
#DSibex2: $125 SOLD
The Great Goddess.
Ancient Sumeria, 2,000--1,000 BC. Silver necklace made from original cylinder-seal. She is depicted as Mistress of Animals (Gilgamesh, contemoraneously, was represented as Master of Animals). She is seen graced by ibex or antelope, and bees (E160). #DScyl1: SOLD

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All contents (C) 2003-2014 AD. All rights reserved.
Owned, Operated, and Obsessed Upon by Gabriel Vandervort.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
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