Interesting Roman surgical scalpel / needle. Long and slender, either silver or bronze. Very sharp, perfectly preserved! Measures 16 cm (almost 6 1/2 inches) long! #med821: $125 SOLD
Beautiful and large ancient Roman bronze surgical scalpel, 100-300 AD. Measures 152 mm (6 inches) long! #3744: $199 SOLD
Nice Roman bronze medical tool. One very sharp end, and a small spoon-shaped bit on the other. Nice etched markings and engravings. Measures 13 cm (over 5 inches) long. #med817: SOLD

Roman bronze ligula, 100-300 AD. This long spoon was used to draw out medicines and other materials from glass beakers and vials (see my section on Roman glass). Measures 138 mm (5 1/2 inches) long with sleek form and various decorative gripping elements. A true beauty! This has been in my personal collection for years. #122: $215 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Great large bronze medical/surgical implement. One side a flat, sharp cutting end, tapering down to a small hooked point for srawing back tissue. The body with nice etched designs. Olive-green patina with heavy earthen deposits. 198 mm (7 13/16") long. Ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2562: $199 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 2nd - 3rd Century AD. Gorgeous bronze leaf-shaped spoon. Nicely detailed with reeded back, the top of the handle decorated with raised squares and turned grooves. 6" (15.2cm) long. Nice patina. Ex Anthony Kurland estate. #AR2469: $299 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st - 4th Century AD. Nice bronze medical or cosmetic spoon with long spiral handle and bright green patina.
Used for extracting powdered medicines from narrow bottles (LIKE THESE). Measures 6 11/16" (17cm). Ex Rhode Island private collection. #AR2552: $225 SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-4th century AD. Nice set of tweezers! Likely for cosmetic use, although may have had medical applications. 67 mm (2 5/8") with nice olive-green patina and light earthen deposits. #AR2530: $175 SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-4th century AD. Fantastic set of small bronze tweezers! Likely for cosmetic use, although may have had medical applications. Original suspension ring still intact! L: 48 mm (1 7/8") fully extended. Extremely well preserved with nice olive-green patina and light earthen deposits. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2885: $199 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Marvelous iron medical scalpel. End of handle missing, otherwise nicely preserved and still sharp! 67 mm (2 5/8") long. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2699: $125 SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-4th century AD. Nice set of tweezers! Likely for cosmetic use, although may have had medical applications. Narrow profile sith sharp, pointed tips. 49 mm (2") with reddish to olive-green patina, light earthen deposits. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2978: $150 SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-4th century AD. Nice set of tweezers! Likely for cosmetic use, although may have had medical applications. Flat in profile with rounded ends. 45 mm (1 3/4") with nice olive-green patina and light earthen deposits. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2975: $175 SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-3rd century AD. A large collection of 20 Roman bronze medical and surgical tools. Comprised of wedge-ended surgical knives, medical spoons and various other medical pins and devices. Some have remains of glue on one side from being mounted in a doctor's display. From an old doctor's collection formed close to 100 years ago. Total of 20 pieces, measuring between 3" and 4 1/2" long. These usually sell for $100-$200 each but I'd love to keep the collection together. #AR2177: $750 for the group. SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-4th century AD. Very nice set of tweezers! Likely for cosmetic use, although may have had medical applications. Nice dotted details and designs over both sides, great green patina. 76 mm (3") long, intact! Found in northern Britain. Ex old English collection. #A60881: $250 SOLD
Ancient Roman Britain, c. 2nd - 4th century AD. Nice bronze physician's tool. One side is a surgical probe, the other a spatula, used to probe wounds and mix ointments. 132 mm (5 1/4") long and nicely preserved with olive-green patina, light earthen encrustations. Nicer color than this washed-photo allows. Found in England. ex-Canadian physician's private collection with his collection tag. #AR2217: $275 SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-2nd century AD. Fantastic and large bronze Ligula (medical spoon). One end with a long, narrow spoon bowl used for extracting powdered medicines from pharmaceutical bottles (LIKE THESE), the other rounded to be used as a medical probe.
178 mm (7 inches) long. Mounted on old wood collector card. Ex-Harold Whitaker estate. A great display piece! #AR2347: $299 SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-4th century AD. Very nice set of tweezers! Likely for cosmetic use, although may have had medical applications. Intact and rare with the original bronze tightening/ locking loop around the center. 57 mm (2 1/4") with beautiful glossy reddish-green patina. #AR2535: $199 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Long bronze medical/surgical implement. One side a flat depressor or "spatula", the other tapered to a very sharp point. 156 mm (6 1/8") long, nice olive-green patina. Ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2560: $75 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Bronze medical/surgical probe. Very thin body, rounded "handle" end, and sharp, flattened tip. Olive-green patina. Measures 106 mm (4 3/16"). ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2670: $99 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Bronze medical probe. With round cross-section, 119 mm (4 5/8") with nice olive-green patina and earthen deposits. ex-Malter Galleries, Encino, CA; Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2466: $75 SOLD
These are terrible photos, I'm sorry!
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Sharp bronze medical probe. With round cross-section, one end flattened, perhaps to fit into a wood or bone handle, the other tapers down to a very sharp point. 150 mm (just under 6") with excellent, smooth copper patina, some areas of olive-green deposits. ex-Malter Galleries, Encino, CA; Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2465: $175 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Sharp bronze medical probe. With round cross-section, one end rounded, tapering down to a sharp point, the tip of which was lots in antiquity. 122 mm (4 3/4") with olive-green patina and heavy earthen deposits, some areas of light corrosion. ex-Malter Galleries, Encino, CA; Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2467: $75 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Small bronze medical scalpel / cutting tool. Long and thin with rectangular cross-section, one end sharpened to a sharp cutting edge. 92 mm (3 5/8"). olive-green patina and light earthen deposits. ex-Malter Galleries, Encino, CA; Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2462: $99 SOLD
Roman Britain, 1st-3rd century AD. Rare bronze personal grooming tool; one end is an ear wax scoop, the other a fingernail cleaner. A "Chatelaine" tool. 66 mm (2 9/16" long. Holed so it could be worn around the neck. Nicely decorated surfaces. ex-Canadian doctor's collection. #AR2216: $199 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Long bronze medical probe. Long and thin with flat cross-section, one end looped to hang on a physician's tool loop, the other a slightly raised pressing surface. 153 mm (6") with brassy-brown patina. ex-Malter Galleries, Encino, CA; Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2464: $150 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Long bronze medical probe. Long and thin with round cross-section, one end looped to hang on a physician's tool loop, the other tapers down to a point. 180 mm (7") with olive-green patina and light earthen deposits. ex-Malter Galleries, Encino, CA; Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2463: $150 SOLD
Ancient Rome, 1st-4th century AD. Very nice set of tweezers! Likely for cosmetic use, although may have had medical applications. 68 mm (2 5/8") with nice olive-green patina and light earthen deposits. ex-J. Rilling collection, Orange County, CA. #AR2397: $175 SOLD

Ancient Roman, c. 2nd-3rd century AD. Nice bronze nail-cleaner tool. 70 mm (2 3/4") long. Intact with original loop and nice olive-green patina. Found in Gloucestershire, UK in the 1960's. Mounted on old wood collector card. Ex-Harold Whitaker estate. A nice display piece! #AR2343: $250 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Long bronze medical spoon. Long oval slightly cup-shaped tip, long thin handle and rounded terminal at end. Likely used for extracting powdered medicines from glass pharmaceutical bottles (LIKE THESE). 172 mm (6 3/4") long, with nice olive-green patina and light earthen deposits. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2669: $225 SOLD
Ancient Roman Britain, 1st-2nd century AD. Wonderful pair of medical spoons. The first measures 11 cm (4 3/8") with a 'violin' shaped bowl, the terminal in the form of two small plates, which probably held the blade of a knife. c. 1st-2nd century AD. Found in London! The second measures 17 cm (6 5/8") with a pear-shaped bowl, c. 2nd century AD. Also found in Britain. Both with nice deepbrassy patina. Mounted on old wood collector card. Ex-Harold Whitaker estate. A nice display piece! The perfect item for a doctor or medical history enthusiast. #AR2354-AR2355: $525 SOLD
An Exceptional Example!
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Incredible bronze medical spoon / tool! One end is a graceful spoon, the other end a sharp medical probe. 127 mm (5") long, with wonderful olive-green patina and light earthen deposits. ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2461: $299 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-3rd century AD. Excellent and HUGE bronze medical/surgical implement. Both sides flattened to large depressors or "spatulas". Beautiful reddish to olive-green patina. 218 mm (8 5/8") long! Ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. #AR2561: $250 SOLD