Etruscan, c. 4th Century BC. An amazing Etruscan kantharos in the style of Greek Gnathian ware. With delicately-painted vine pattern below rim and above ribbed design. Repair to rim and some fading, otherwise an interesting and beautiful large piece! Ex old English collection with remains of old label inside. Stands 4 1/2" (11.4 cm) tall. #14154: $799 SOLD
Etrusco-Corinthian, c. 6th Century BC. Nice large Skyphos wine-cup. Repaired from shards. Measures 168 mm (6 1/2") handle-to-handle, stands 85 mm (3 1/4") tall. Painted and engraved with various scenes. Ex-Seaby. Ex-Superior auction 1183. For a very similar example see Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: GLASGOW, GLASGOW COLLECTIONS, 43, PL.(909) 50.4. Ex-Dr. Geoffrey Smith collection, San Diego CA. #GS453x2: $550 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 4th Century BC. Excellent terracotta molded face of a youth. Sensitively made, with a round face and cherub-like features. Classic style. Measures 4" x 4 7/8" (10.4 x 9.8 cm). Mounted on a nice custom stand. Ex-British collection, acquired in the 1950's. From my own personal collection. #18448: $925 SOLD

Etruscan / Villanovan Impasto Ware Skyphos. Italic, 9th - 8th Century BC. For drinking wine! With characteristic burnished dark brown to black slip. The bowl is deep with low circular foot, the handles are looped and textured to resemble twisted cord. H: 4 1/2" (11.4 cm); W: 8" (20.3 cm). Intact and attractive. Ex Dr. Geoffrey Smith collection, San Diego, CA. #GBA12187: $575 SOLD

Excellent Etruscan figure of a musician playing a flute.
Etruscan, c. 4th - 1st Century BC. A nice molded terracotta figure of a musician playing a flute. He holds a 6-chamber flute in his left hand andnother long device, possibly a different sort of instrument, in his right. He has a pleasant look upon his face as his head is slightly bowed, lips pursed, blowing into the instrument. He wears a long tunic and band around his hair. Nice details! Feet broken off in antiquity. Measures 3 3/8" (8.5 cm) tall. Some nice finger-prints of the maker still visible in the clay on back! #9796: $525 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 3rd-2nd century BC. Excellent silver votive statuette of a man. He is depicted standing with beard and short-cut hair, wearing long robes and holding a cornucopia in his left hand. Right arm and bottoms of feet missing but otherwise intact. 35 mm (1 3/8") tall. A "mini masterpiece!" Nice grey cabinet tone. ex-Gorny & Mosch auction; acquired before 2000 for a South German collection. #AR2032: $699 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan/Greek, c. 6th Century BC. Nice Etrusco-Corinthian aryballos, decorated with bands in a dark slip, rays above. Intact with some surface wear and light deposits, minor rim chips. H: 3 3/8" (8.6 cm). Ex Alex Malloy, 1979. #A15143x2: $299 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 3rd - 2nd Century BC. Nice bronze figure of a man. Made in flattened form, wearing close fitting tunic and drapery over his left shoulder. His facial features are detailed and his hair is closely cropped. H: 2 1/4" (5.7 cm). Intact with a glossy olive patina and mounted on a custom base. From the estate of listed American sculptor, Eleanor Mary Mellon (1894 - 1979) New York. Eleanor, (a descendent of philanthropist Andrew Mellon) traveled extensively abroad and the bust may have been purchased during one of her many trips to Europe. #AR2221: $850 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan/Italic, c. 7th Century BC. Nice Villanovan Impasto jar. The rounded shoulder with four pierced lug handles decorated with roughly parallel zigzag lines with rosettes beneath, two horizontal beaded lines around the base of the neck and groups of vertical beaded lines inside the rim. 3 1/4" x 4 1/8" (7.9 x 10.4 cm). The surfaces are nicely burnished with light deposits. Ex Howard Sirak Collection, Columbus, OH. Really a lovely little piece. #AG2129: $575 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 6th Century BC. Etrusco-Corinthian alabastron (made by Etruscans in Corinthian style), the body decorated with horizontal bands in dark slip, vertical tongues around the shoulder and the rim. 3 5/8" (9.2 cm). Nice color, light deposits. Losses to handle and edge of rim. De-Accessioned from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art via a sale, c. 1970; Ex R. Fletcher collection, Taos, NM. #AG2122: $399 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 625 - 550 BC. Lovely Etruscan Bucchero chalice. The bowl is deep with incised lines and a grooved ridge just above the bottom, the stem narrow at top with thick collar and flaring into a wide, flat foot, H: 6 1/3" (16cm), D: 5 7/8" (15.1cm). reference: Rasmussen Type 2d. Repaired at top of stem, light earthen deposits and root marks. There are some ink markings on the bottom of the bowl and bottom of the foot, but also a neat late 1800's to early 1900's label with a number "8" on the bottom of the bowl. Can provide further photos upon request. Ex English private collection, collected in the late 1800's. #A30168: $850 SOLD
A fabulous framed Etruscan necklace and bracelet, c. 9th – 6th Century BC. The necklace is comprised of rectangular Bucchero beads, each nicely burnished, with three long segmented elements with an open-work bell at the end. The bronze elements are well-preserved with a thick olive green patina and earthen deposits, the ceramic Bucchero beads quite scarce. A lovely display piece! Frame measures 13 1/4" x 16 1/4" (33.7 x 41.2 cm). Ex R. Fletcher collection, Taos, NM. #AG2119: $900 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan-Greek! c. 7th-6th Century BC. Nice Etrusco-Corinthian aryballos. With ovoid body decorated with bands and a stippled pattern in dark brown slip, tongues around the shoulder and a band around the rim H: 2 7/8" (7.4cm). Light deposits. Ex New York private collection. Vewry nice! #AG2201: $375 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 8th - 7th Century BC. A HUGE Villanovan bronze fibula, formed from a single piece of bronze, with thick body wrapped in the center with incised detail. 4 3/4" x 2 1/2" (9.5 x 6.5 cm)! In nice condition, lacquered to preserve the surfaces long ago, likely in the early-mid 20th century. Nice glossy green patina. ex-Los Angeles gallery. Massive and gorgeous! #NAV145: $399 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 3rd - 2nd Century BC. A lovely Etruscan bronze figure of a seated woman or goddess, perhaps Diana. Created in fine style, wearing a rolled diadem and long gown wrapped around her, an apple or globe in her extended left hand. H: 2 3/4” (7 cm). Intact with a beautiful green-brown patina and excellent surfaces. With antique wood base (entire piece stands 4 5/8" tall). A museum-quality example. Ex New York Private Collection; ex Gabriel Vandervort private collection, Los Angeles, CA. This piece had pride of place on the center shelf of my own display case for years! It's absolutely beautiful. #AR2161: $2500 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 4th Century BC. Nice and large Etruscan terracotta half-head of a woman! In high relief and in fine style, the head being in half because it was part of a relief scene mounted against a wall, the woman being in profile. Nearly life size! H: 8 in (20.4 cm). Minor losses with light deposits. Ex Harold Whitbeck estate, San Francisco CA, acquired between the 1980's and 1990's from major auction houses and galleries in the US and UK. #AG2236: $550 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan, c. 7th-6th century BC. Italic, early Italy. Wonderful Etruscan bucchero chalice. With low flaring pedestal foot, with short stem, the bowl with steep walls, stamped on the exterior with inverted elongated U shaped vertical lines and incised with circular grooves. Bucchero-ware is a specifically Etruscan style of firing pottery which results in a smooth, shiny dark gray to black finish. This type was made in Vulci, Italy, between 600-550 BC. Nicely burnished surfaces with dark grey color. H: 4 3/4 in, W: 5 5/8 in. Repaired. Property from the George R. Francoeur Trust, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, sold to benefit the George R. Francoeur Scholarship Fund at Cranbrook Academy of Art. Rasmussen Type 3a for type. See example in the British Museum, inventory #1909,0720.16 for nearly identical example donated in 1909. #AR3239: $950 SOLD
Etruscan, 3rd Century BC. Excellent Etruscan bronze votary depicting a priest pouring a libation. The male figure wears a pointed cap and robes, pouring the contents from a patera in his right hand. Intact with an attractive glossy olive-green patina. H: 2 9/16" (6.6 cm). With removable base (entire piece stands 3 1/4" tall). Ex Max Harris Collection, Australia. #A07110: $975 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan, 4th Century BC. A beautiful Etruscan terracotta half head of woman, basically life-size, in high relief and rendered in beautiful style, the head being in half because it was part of a relief scene mounted against a wall, the woman being in profile. H: 9 3/4" (24.8 cm). Light deposits. Mounted on custom wood base (entire piece stands 11 1/4" high). Ex Faustus Ancient Art, London, acquired in September 1994; Ex Harold Whitbeck estate, San Francisco CA. #AR3423: $2250 SOLD
An excellent Etruscan/Villanovan Impasto kantharos, Italic, c. 8th Century BC, with pedestal foot, the squat body with vertical lobes, tall neck and lightly flared mouth, the loop handles attached to the sides of the body and the rim. An attractive vessel with burnished brown surfaces and mineral deposits inside and out. H: 5 3/4 in (14.5cm). Ex South German private collection of an artist and art collector, purchased between 1960 to 1980. #AG2314: $950 SOLD
A rare Etruscan terracotta head of a youth, c. 4th - 3rd Century BC, with large eyes and hair in waves framing the face. Finger-marks of the ancient craftswoman still visible on the back! Measures 4.375 x 3.5 in. Light mottled deposits. Ex John Schaeffer estate, Florida. With custom meal stand (entire display stands 7” high). #AR3398: $1200 SOLD
Etruscan terracotta male face from a sculpture, c. 3rd Century BC. Traces of reddish pigmentation. Nice features and attractive!
6 1/4" x 4 1/2". A beautiful display piece! Etruscan #k12: SOLD

Etruscan, c. 7th - 6th Century BC. Fantastic Bucchero-ware kantharos, with with high handles. Used for drinking wine. Measures 180 mm (7") across; 110 mm (4 1/4") high at the handle. Intact! Ex-Dr. Geoffrey Smith collection, San Diego CA. #GS413: $699 SOLD
Nice Villanovan / Etruscan impasto-ware vessel, c. 8th-7th Century BC. The body is near round with concave base, the upper portion decorated with grooves, two small lug handles and a small spout with vertical walls. H: 5" (12.8 cm). Intact with nice surfaces! Ex Dr. Gilles Collection, Germany, acquired during the 1950’s & 60's. #1011264: $399 SOLD
Amazing, large Etruscan oinochoe. Magnia Graecia, 5th Century BC. Robust form, with tapered foot, thick neck and single handle, with a nice orange-brown slip. Intact, a few areas of light surface abrasion and light earthen deposits. A scarce type! Ex Henk Huffener collection, UK, acquired in the late 19th Century. A remarkable and large display piece! #0411133: $725 Sent to auction
Etruscan black-ware aryballos, c. 6th Century BC. A breathtaking piece! Graceful design with two handles and flared lip. Purple stripes around the base, body, shoulder and rim. Repaired from three large sherds, some light earthen encrustation on surfaces. 4 3/8" (11.1 cm) tall. Ex Henk Huffener collection, UK, acquired in the late 19th Century. Gorgeous! #0411132: $725 Sent to auction
Etruscan, c. 4th Century BC. Very nice Etruscan Black-Pattern kylix, Italic, with flared ring foot and two upturned handles. A band of vertical lines just below the rim, set off by the natural clay body underneath. H: 3 1/8" (7.9 cm); W: 6" (15.2 cm). Single tiny rim chip, otherwise a very well-preserved example! Ex Orange County private collection. #AR2040: $699 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 7th-6th Century BC. Nice miniature bucchero-ware amphora. The body squat with flat base and two tall loop handles. H: 3 1/8" (7.9 cm). Intact with nicely burnished surfaces. ex-Michigan private collection; ex-John Ambrose, Fragments of Time, purchased March 28, 1997. #AR2029: $575 SOLD

Etruscan, c. 7th - 6th Century BC. Fantastic Bucchero-ware kantharos, with with high handles. Used for drinking wine. Measures 180 mm (7") across; 110 mm (4 1/4") high at the handle. Intact! Ex-Dr. Geoffrey Smith collection, San Diego CA. #GS413: SOLD
Etruscan, c. 3rd-2nd century BC. Bronze figure of a priest, wearing tall diadem and holding a stamped loaf of bread and a large patera. H: 2 5/8” (6.7 cm). Losses to legs but now mounted on lovely custom stand shown at right --->. From the estate of listed American sculptor, Eleanor Mary Mellon (1894 - 1979) New York. Eleanor, (a descendent of philanthropist Andrew Mellon) traveled extensively abroad and the bust may have been purchased during one of her many trips to Europe. #AR2147: $850 SOLD

Etruscan, c. 4th - 3rd Century BC. Beautiful black-figure kylix. Graceful form with two handles, the sides nicely painted with a band of wine grapes, parallel lines below. H: 3" (7.6 cm), W: 4 7/8" (12.8 cm). A couple minor rim chips but otherwise intct! Ex Orange County, CA private collection. #AR2150: $699 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 8th - 5th Century BC. A lovely Italic bronze fibula, formed from a single piece of bronze, with thick body wrapped on either end and large decorative catch place with incised detail. 2 1/2" x 1 3/4" (8.3 x 4.5 cm). In nice condition with repair to base of pin, nice glossy green patina. ex-John Rilling collection, Orange County, CA. Mr. Rilling died in 2008, stopped collecting in the 1990’s. Mr. Rilling selected the items for his collection carefully, acquiring them bit by bit from major auction houses in the US and the UK. #AG2095: $399 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 625 - 600 BC. Marvelous Etruscan Bucchero chalice. With low pedestal foot, the bowl with angled sides and ridge near the base, three shallow grooves midway to the rim. Nicely burnished surfaces with medium grey color. H: 91 mm (3 9/16"), D: 128 mm (5 1/8"). Few minor chips and mineral deposits. Cf. Perkins, Etruscan Bucchero in the British Museum, (London, 2007), p. 29, no. 84 for the type; Ex South German private collection of an artist and art collector, purchased between 1960 to 1980. #AG2145: $650 SOLD
Ex-Los Angeles County Museum of Art!
Etruscan, c. 6th-4th century BC. Nice Etruscan earthenware pot. With wide, rounded body and two loop handles. Nicely decorated with linear designs in brown and black slip. H: 77 mm (3"); W: 110 mm (4 3/8"). ex-R. Fletcher collection, Taos, NM, bought from the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, de-accession sale, c. 1970. #AG2121: $525 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan-Greek! c. 7th Century BC. Etrusco-Corinthian ceramic aryballos. The vessel of elegant form and decorated with horizontal bands in purplish-brown on orange slip, tongues around the shoulder. H: 3 3/8" (8.7cm). Light deposits and includes decorative brass stand. Ex collection of William Major Tedder. #AG2158: $325 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan-Greek! c. 7th-6th Century BC. Nice Etrusco-Corinthian aryballos. With ovoid body decorated with bands and a stippled pattern in dark brown slip, tongues around the shoulder and a band around the rim H: 3 1/16" (7.8cm). Light deposits. Ex collection of Alberto Altieri, Illinois. #AR2858: $325 SOLD
Etruscan, c. 3rd-2nd century BC. Charming Etruscan bronze figure of winged Eros. He is depicted standing nude on an integral rectangular base, with short wings, right hand raised clutching the base of either a palm-frond or a torch, left hand at his side. His face is rounded with detailed features, hair in curls framing his face. Incised details throughout. H: 2 3/8 in (6 cm). Beautifully patinated and well preserved, mounted on a tall rectangular calcite base. Ex Southern California private collection; ex-I.M. Chait, Beverly Hills, CA. #NAV139: $950 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan-Greek! c. 6th Century BC. An Etrusco-Corinthian aryballos, the rounded body adorned with horizontal bands in dark purplish slip over a creme background. Heavy mineral deposits. H: 3 in (7.7cm). Ex collection of Howard Sirak, Columbus, OH. #AG2227: $325 SOLD
Etruscan, 600 - 550 BC. Fantistic and quite large Etruscan Bucchero oinochoe, the body ovoid with flared foot, short neck with trefoil pouring spout and single handle. The surface retains its glossy burnish surface with light deposits. H: 6 1/4 in (15.8 cm). Ex North German private collection, acquired at Cahn Gallery, 2013. Large, in ecellent condition, and highly desirable! #AG2274: $750 SOLD
A nice Etrusco-Corinthian aryballos, 7th Century BC, the rounded body decorated with bands of dark brown slip, vertical tongues around the shoulder. The neck is short with wide, flat rim decorated with concentric bands, single strap handle. H: 2 5/8" (6.9cm). Well-preserved with light surface deposits. Ex Central California private collection. #AG2276: $525 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan, c. 3rd - 2nd Century BC. A rare and wonderful Etruscan bronze handled pan or patera, fashioned from sheet bronze with circular flat base, flared rim and long handle with raised edges. 8 1/8 x 5 1/4 in (20.6 x 13.3 cm). In choice condition with attractive patination, light deposits. Ex West Virginia private collection. The only example of this type I've ever had! #AR3408: $750 SOLD
Etruscan, 3rd - 2nd Century BC. A well-detailed small Etruscan terracotta votive foot from the famous Moshe Dayan collection. Nicely modeled in micaceous clay, the bottom flat. 1 5/8” x 2 7/8” (4 x 7.2 cm). Ex collection of Moshe Dayan, Israel; Ex Harvith collection, MI, acquired in 1973. #AR3399: $499 SOLD
A rare and thick Etruscan terracotta wall fragment, c. 4th century BC. A fine pottery fragment, measuring 4 3/4" x 4 1/2" x 1 1/2" thick! Nicely preserved in its fragmentary form, with surface abrasions and weathering to the edges consummate with age as a fragment buried in the ground. Likely part of a tomb wall broken intentionally by the Romans. Ex New York City private collection, collected before 1999, purchased at Fortuna Gallery, New York. Very large! the images are deceivingly small. Quite a neat display piece. #AR3425: $425 SOLD
Ancient Etruscan, c. 6th Century BC. Great little bucchero jar. The body piriform with flared foot, pronounced shoulder and wide mouth. H: 2 5/8" (6.7 cm). Nice burnished black surfaces, light deposits. Ex Scottish private collection originally acquired in the late 19th Century. #AR3401: $350 SOLD
A large Etruscan terracotta face of a youth, c. 4th - 3rd Century BC, with lifelike expression and face framed by curls.
A nice example with good surfaces and light earthen deposits. H: 4 1/2". Mounted on a custom stand (entire piece stands 6 1/4" tall). Ex French private collection, acquired in the 1960's. A wonderful display piece! These photos do absolutely no justice.
More photos available on request! #AG2281: $1200 SOLD