All struck in the highest purity gold available in the empire at the time.

Ancient Rome. Emperor Honorius. Gold solidus struck 410-423 AD, Ravenna mint. obv: Diademed, draped & cuirassed bust of emperor right, D N HONORIVS P F AVG. rev: Emperor standing right, holds lararum and Victory on globe, spurns captive with foot. VICTORIA AVGGG, R-V in fields, COMOB in exergue. ref: RIC 1286. 21 mm, 4.46 grams. An exquieite specimen! #4288: $1275 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Justin II, 565-578 AD. Gold Semissis, set in a custom 22-karat gold bezel embedded with 4 diamonds. A beautiful piece! obv: DN IVSTINVS PP AVG, diademed, draped, & cuirassed bust of Justin right / rev: VICTORIA AVGGG, Victory seated left, inscribing shield with stylus; star to left, reversed Christogram to right; CONOB. $925 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Tiberius II Constantine.
Reigned Sept 26, 578 AD - Aug 14, 582 AD. Gold temissis. DN CONSTANTINVS PP AVG, his diademed and draped bust rt. / VICTOR TIBERI AVS around potent cross. CONOB below (Constantinople mint). Excellent example with sharp detail and nice tone! ref: BMC 14-17, Sear 425. 12.5 mm, 1.26 grams. #6413: $499 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold tremissis, Constantinople mint. Diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVG / Victory advancing right, head left, holding globus cruciger and wreath; star to right, VICTORIA AVGVSTORVM; CONOB below. ref: DOC 19; SB 145. VF, light obverse scratches. Nice gold tone - not reddish as the photo makes it seem. Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). 16mm, 1.46 g. #cng523: $475 SOLD

Basil II & Constantine VIII 976-1025 AD. Amazing Gold AV Histamenon. Christ with cross / Crowned busts of Basil & Constantine holding cross. A beauty! $1275 SOLD

Basil II and Constantine VIII, 976-1925 AD. Gold histamenon nomisma, Constantinople mint. Bust of Christ facing, nimbate, holding Book of Gospels, +IHS XIS REX REGNATINUM / Basil (L) and Constantine (R) holding between them a tall cross, +BASIL c' CONSTANT BR. ref: Sear BCV #1800. 26.5 mm, 4.42 g. #0461: $1275 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Constantine IX, 1042-1055 AD. Large and beautiful gold histamenon nomisma. Christ, nimbate, enthroned facing with book of Gospels, +I hS X'I'S REX RESNATIhM / Crowned bust of Constantine IX facing with labarum & globe. +CWNST ANTh bASILEUS RM 29 mm, 4.24 g. ref: sear sb1828. Holed for use as jewelry in antiquity, since plugged. ex-CNG. Radiant, golden tone (not reddish as these photos suggest). #2490376: $1199 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Constantine VII and Romanus II. Gold Solidus, struck 945-963 AD. Facing bust of Christ, nimbate, holding Book of Gospels, IhS SPE REX REGNANTIUM / Crowned busts of Constantine VII and Romanus II facing, patriarchal cross between them, CONSTANT' CE ROMAN M AVG bR. ref: SB1751, DOC III 15. 20 mm, 4.38 g. Edge clipped in antiquity. Slabbed, certified and graded by NGC. CHOICE XF. #NGC2575: $1299 SOLD
Two Superb Gold Coins of Heraclius
In 630 AD Heraclius invaded Persia, seized the True Cross and restored it back to Constantinople after it had been stolen during the sacking of the city by Sasanian king Khusro II. The True Cross is believed to be the actual cross upon which Jesus Christ died.

Byzantine Empire. Heraclius, 610-641 AD. Gold Solidus, Constantinople mint, 5th officina. Struck 610-613 AD. His draped and cuirassed facing bust, with short beard, wearing crown with pendilia and plume, holding cross, dN hERACLIUS PP AVG / True Cross on three steps; VICTORIA AVGU (sigma), CONOB below. ref: DOC 3b; MIB 5; SB 731. VF. 20mm, 4.38 g. Radiant, golden tone (not reddish as these photos suggest). Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). #cng2540372: $975 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas, 610-64 AD1. Gold Solidus, Constantinople mint, 9th officina. Struck 639-641 AD. Heraclius, crowned, with long moustache and long beard in centre, Heraclonas, crowned, on left, and Heraclius Constantine, crowned, unbearded, on right, all wearing chlamys and holding cross on globe / VICTORIA AVGU and officina letter "theta", True Cross on three steps, CONOB below. ref: DOC 44 v; MIB 53; SB 770. Good VF, graffiti in right obverse field. 19mm, 4.43 g. Radiant, golden tone (not reddish as these photos suggest). Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). #cng2540377: $975 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Constantine IX Monomachus. 1042-1055. Large gold histamenon nomisma, Constantinople mint. Slightly scyphate (cup-shaped) coin! Bust of Christ facing wearing nimbus cross with two crescents in its upper quarters, holding book of gospels and raising right hand, triple border. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM / Crowned facing bust of Constantine, holding cruciform scepter and globus cruciger. 26mm, 4.27 g. DOC 3; SB 1830. VF, very light encrustation on obverse. Radiant, golden tone (not reddish as these photos suggest). Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). Excellent!!! #cng259449: $1250 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Romanus III, Argyrus. 1028-1034 AD. Large Gold Histamenon, Constantinople mint. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM, Christ enthroned facing, wearing nimbus, pallium and colobrium, raising right hand in benediction, holding Book of Gospels in left / THCE BOHTH RWMANW, Virgin Mary (nimbate) crowning emperor Romanus. 25 mm, 4.40 g. Coin is in near perfect condition; no cracks but 2 small edge die flaws on back. ref: Sear BCV #1819, DOC III 1. Ex-Heritage Galleries. Excellent! #0319: $1450 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint. Struck 545-565 AD. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield, DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVP / Angel standing facing, holding holding long staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; star to right, VICTORIA AVGGG; CONOB below. ref: DOC 9; SB 140. Good VF, ancient graffiti "N" on neck! 20mm, 4.47 g. #cng526: $750 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Phocas, 602-610. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint, 7th officina. Struck 607-610 AD. Crowned, draped, and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger, DN FOCAS PERP AVG / Angel standing facing, holding holding long staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGU; Z//CONOB. ref: DOC 10g; SB 620. 21mm, 4.50 g. Near EF, slight wear but an excellent specimen! Nice gold tone - not reddish as the photo makes it seem. Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). #cng528: $725 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, struck 545-565 AD at Constantinople. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger, DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVG / Angel standing facing, holding long Chi-Rho-headed cross & globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGGG(theta), CONOB in exergue. Officina Theta. ref: SBC 140. Near-EF! Excellent detail, lustrous surfaces. A gem! #fsr368: $875 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Maurice Tiberius. Gold solidus, struck 583 AD at Constantinople mint. Helmeted & cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger, DM MAVRC TIB PP AVC / Angel standing facing, holding long Chi-Rho-headed cross & globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGGG (gamma), CONOB in exergue. 22 mm, 4.53 grams. #4305: $799 SOLD

Ancient Rome. Valens, 364-378 AD. Gold Solidus. Great example! D N VALENS P F AVG, pearl-diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right / VICTORIA AVGG, Valentinian and Valens seated facing, holding globe between them; behind and between them Victory is standing with outspread wings; SMTES in exergue. ref: RIC 4b. 22 mm, 4.40 g. Rare type. Great coin! Nice metal. #4954-GV0729: $1499 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Anastasius I, 491-518 AD. Gold Solidus. His helmeted cuirassed bust facing, holding spear & shield, helmet with plume, trefoil ornament and diadem the ties of which show left, shield ornamented with horseman right spearing fallen foe, D N ANASTASIVS P F AVG / VICTORIA AVGGG A, Victory standing left, holding long cross, star right, COMOB in ex. 20 mm, 4.46 g. Excellent condition, small grafitto "y" on obverse! ref: SB3-4. #3194: $725 SOLD
Portrait of Christ Gold Coin

Byzantine Empire. Constantine VIII. 1025-1028. Large gold histamenon nomisma. Bust of Christ facing wearing nimbus cross with two crescents in its upper quarters, holding book of gospels and raising right hand, triple border. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM / Crowned bust of Constantine VIII facing, with long beard, wearing loros, holding labarum and akakia, triple border. +CWNSTANTIN bASILEVS ROM. 25 mm, 4.41 g. Nice, lustrous XF. Ex-Daniel F Sedwick collection. A breathtaking example! #49360: $1299 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Phocas, Nov 23, 602 - October 610 AD. Gold tremissis, Constantinople mint. His diademed, draped and cuirassed bust rt, DN FOCAS PERP AVG / Cross potent, VICTORIA FOCAS AVG, CONOB below. Slightly wavy flan, sharp details! 16 mm, 1.31 g. ref: Sear 634, BMC 30-32. #0279: $525 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Maurice Tiberius, 582-602 AD. Gold Semissis, Constantinople mint. DN TIbE RA PP AVG, his diademed, draped, & cuirassed bust right / VICTORI A AVCC, Victory advancing right, holding wreath & globus cruciger; CONOB below. 19.5 mm, 2.15 g. #7988: $399 SOLD
Islamic, Persia (Pre-Seljuq). Ziyarids. Mardawij. 315-323 A.H./ 927-935 AD. Gold Dinar. Mah al-Basra mint. Dated 322 AH ( 933-934 AD). ref: Miles, Ziyarid pl. XXIV, 1; Album 1530. 23mm, 3.90 grams. Great detail! Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). #cng2630445: $625 SOLD

Ancient Persia. Ghaznavids, 975-1187 AD. Gold dinar, Herat mint. 24 mm, 2.74 grams. Nice coin with good detail and bright lustrous surfaces! Photos do no justice. #2722-8424: $350 SOLD

Ancient Persia. Samanid Dynasty. Mansur ib Nuh, 961-976 AD. Gold dinar. Minor clipping to edge but otherwise a beautiful, striking piece! #gl4318: $350 SOLD

Kushan, India. Vasudeva III, 360-365 AD. Heavy Gold stater. Vasu standing with trident & banner / Goddess Lakshmi seated, facing front. 19x17 mm, 6.37 grams and THICK! #4325: $550 SOLD
Ottoman Empire.
Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Stunning gold sultani. 18.82 mm, 3.50 g. #0964: $399 SOLD
Ottoman Empire.
Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Stunning gold sultani. 19.95 mm, 3.48 g. #3151: $399 SOLD
Islamic Persia (Post-Mongol). Manghits (Khanate of Bukhara). Sayyid Haydar Tora. 1215-1242 A.H./ AD 1800-1826. Gold Tilla, Bukhara mint. Dated 1226 A.H. (AD 1817/8). 21mm, 4.59 g. ref: Album 3029.2. Grades EF! Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries. A stunning coin! #cng544: $599 SOLD
Ottoman Empire.
Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Stunning gold sultani. 19 mm, 3.54 g. Beautiful coin with bright coloration! Photo is dark and does no justice! #6824: $399 SOLD

Ottoman Empire.
Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Stunning gold sultani. 20 mm, 3.52 grams. Nice surfaces, bright golden tone. #4137: $399 SOLD
Ottoman Empire. Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Stunning gold sultani. 20.81 mm (13/16") diameter, 3.55 g. Great coin with excellent detail! Bright golden tone. #0450x2: $450 SOLD

Ottoman Empire. Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Excellent gold sultani. High relief detail, all inscriptions legible. About as nice as these come! 20 mm (3/4") diameter, 3.45 grams. #4160: SOLD

Amazing ancient Roman gold ring, c. 1st century AD. Etched with a beautiful depiction of winged Victory walking left, apparently playing a musical instrument of some sort! From the Roman provinces in Greece. Weighs 3.80 grams, 20 mm outside diameter; about a US ring size 7 1/4. Excellent! #85747x2: $899 SOLD
Excellent Roman Gold Ring
Late Roman / early Byzantine golden ring with green glass inlay. 5th-9th century AD. Not sure if it is solid gold; it may be gold-plated silver, but ancient nonetheless. Beautiful, gracefully-curved band, original green glass faceted glass or stone still set in bezel. A truly awesome piece. Weighs 4.08 grams, 20 mm outside diameter; about a US ring size 3. Gorgeous! #85706x2: $850 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Constantine VII with Romanus II, gold solidus struck c. 920 - 944 AD.Facing bust of Christ, nimbate, raising right hand in benediction and holding book of gospels; IhS SPE REX REGNANTIUM / Facing, crowned busts of Constantine VII with short beard on left, wearing loros, and Romanus II, wearing chlamys, unbearded, on right, holding long patriarchal cross between them; CONSTANT' CE ROMAN M AVGG bR. ref: DOC 15; Sear 1751. 19.7 mm, 4.38 g. Great coin, well-centered and well-struck. Great gold tone. #18474x2: $1199 SOLD
Portrait of Christ Gold Coin

Byzantine Empire. Romanus III Argyrus, 1028-1034 AD. Gold histamenon, Constantinople mint. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTInM, Christ enthroned facing, nimbus cross behind head, holding book of gospels, raising right hand / QCE bOHQ RWMAnW, Mary, nimbate on right, crowning Romanus on left who is wearing a saccos and loros and holding cross on globe, MQ between heads, double border. Choice Extremely Fine! ref: SBV-1819, DOC-1d. 4.39g. Ex-Stephen Album collection. #911091: $2100 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Honorius, 393-423 AD. Gold solidus, Ravenna mint. Struck 402-406 AD. His pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, D N HONORIVS P F AVG / Honorius standing right, foot on bound captive, holding labarum and Victory on globe; VICTORIA AVGGG, R-V across, COMOB below. 22 mm, 4.45 g. RIC X 1287; Ranieri 12; Depeyrot 7/1. VF. Ex-CNG. Excellent detail! #cng2660455: $1250 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Valens, 364-378 AD. Gold solidus. Antioch mint, 3rd officina. Struck 366-367 AD. His pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, D N VALENS PERF AVG / Valens standing facing in military attire, holding labarum with chi-rho cross & Victory on globe; RESTITVTOR REI PVBLICAE, ANT-G below. 21mm, 4.26 g. RIC IX 2d.xvi; Depeyrot 27/3. VF, ancient graffiti on reverse! Very nice portrait! #cng2660449: $1250 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Theodosius II, 402-450 AD. Gold Solidus. Constantinople mint, 4th officina. Struck 408-420 AD. His pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing slightly right, holding spear over shoulder and shield, D N THEODOSIVS P F AVG / Constantinopolis enthroned facing, head right, foot on prow, holding scepter and Victory on globe; star to left, CONCORDI-A AVGG-D; CONOB below. RIC X 202; Depeyrot 73/2. Good VF, a few light scratches. 21mm, 4.37 g. #cng260559: $1150 SOLD
Superb Gold Coin of Heraclius
In 630 AD Heraclius invaded Persia, seized the True Cross and restored it back to Constantinople after it had been stolen during the sacking of the city by Sasanian king Khusro II. The True Cross is believed to be the actual cross upon which Jesus Christ died.

Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas. 610-641. Gold Solidus, Constantinople mint, 1st officina. Struck 637-638 AD. Heraclius, crowned, with long moustache and long beard in centre, Heraclonas, crowned, on left, and Heraclius Constantine, crowned, unbearded, on right, all wearing chlamys and holding cross on globe / True Cross on three steps, VICTORIA AVGU (Theta), monogram and officina letter "A", CONOB below. 18.5 mm, 4.27 g. ref: DOC 39d; MIB 45; SB 764. Ex-Sphinx Numismatics. Very Fine, light scratches on reverse. #43720-cyk SOLD
An 8th century illustration of Heraclius, returning the True Cross to Constantinople |
Byzantine Empire. Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas, 610-641 AD. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint, 9th officina. Dated IY 11 (637-638 AD). Crowned figures of Heraclonas, Heraclius, and Heraclius Constantine standing facing, each holding globus cruciger / Cross potent set on three steps; monogram to left, IA monogram to right; Theta//CONOB. 19 mm, 4.48 g. ref: DOC 39h; MIBE 45; SB 764. Near EF. ex-CNG. #CB2016: $975 SOLD

Ancient Rome, c. 1st-2nd century AD. Magnificent gold ring, set with original red glass inlay. Absolutely gorgeous and wearable! US size 6 3/4. ex-Arte Primitivo. #JR2022: $1200 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-2nd century AD. Nice gold ring, set with original black/white stone intaglio depicting a running lion. Band cracked, otherwise nicely preserved and could probably be made wearable by a knowledgeable jeweler. US size 1 1/2. ex-Arte Primitivo. #JR2026: $450 SOLD
Ancient Roman gold earrings, c. 1st -2nd century AD. Measure, top to bottom, 23 mm (7/8 inch) and 18 mm (11/16 inch), respectively. Both photographed, front and back. Found in the Holy Land. #21395x3: $200 each, or $375 for the pair. SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Romanus III, Argyrus. 1028-1034 AD. Large Gold Histamenon Nomisma, Constantinople mint. Christ enthroned facing, wearing nimbus, pallium and colobrium, raising right hand in benediction, holding Book of Gospels in left, +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM / Virgin Mary (nimbate) crowning emperor Romanus, THCE BOHTH RWMANW. Excellent detail, nice lustre. 25 mm, 4.34 g. ref: DOC III 1b, SB1819. Choice-aEF. #CB2018: $1500 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint, 6th officina. Struck 545-565. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger and shield, DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVG / Angel standing facing, holding long staff surmounted by staurogram and globus cruciger; star to right, VICTORIA AVGGG-S; CONOB. 21 mm, 4.40 g. ref: DOC 9f; MIBE 7; SB 140. Good VF, faint ancient graffito to upper right of reverse. ex-CNG. #CB2017: $899 SOLD

Ancient Rome, c. 1st-2nd century AD. Lovely small gold child's ring, set with original orange glass or stone inlay. Lovely! 10 mm (3/8") inside diameter. ex-Arte Primitivo. #JR2023: $525 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-2nd century AD. Beautiful small gold ring, set with original blue glass or stone inlay. Beautiful and wearable! US size 1 1/2. ex-Arte Primitivo. #JR2025: $750 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint. Facing busts of Heraclius with short beard, hair almost straight, on left, and Heraclius Constantine (bust much smaller), beardless on right, both wearing chlamys and elaborate crown with cross; cross between their heads, dd NN hERACLIUS ET hERA CONST PP AVG / Cross potent on three steps, VICTORIA AVGU and officina letter Theta; mintmark CONOB. 21 mm, 4.44 g. Great detail, some wear on edges. ref: DOC II 8i; MIB III 8a; SB 734. #CB2026: $650 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Theodosius II, 402-450 AD. Gold Solidus, Constantinople mint, 1st officina. Struck 423-425 AD. Pearl-diademed, helmeted, and cuirassed bust facing slightly right, holding spear over shoulder and shield, DN THEODOSIUS PF AVG / Victory standing left, holding long cross; star to upper left; VOT XX MVLT XXX / A; CONOB in exergue. 22 mm, 4.47 g. ref: RIC X 225; Depeyrot 75/1. Good VF. ex-CNG. #CR2103: $1400 SOLD
Ancient Roman Gold Jewelry
Ancient Rome, c. 1st-2nd century AD. Gorgeous gold ring, set with original carved carnelian stone intaglio depicting a standing eagle. Stunning and wearable! US size 7. ex-Arte Primitivo. #JR2024: $1200 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Phocas, 602-610. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint, 7th officina. Struck 607-610 AD. Crowned, draped, and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger, DN FOCAS PERP AVG / Angel standing facing, holding long staff with staurogram and globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGU; Z//CONOB. ref: DOC 10g; SB 620. Some wear to edges. 22 mm, 4.44 g. #CB2024: $650 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justin II, 565-578 AD. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint, 6th officina. Struck 567-578 AD. Helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding Victory on globe and shield, DN IVSTINVS PP AVG / Constantinopolis seated facing, head right, holding spear and globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGGG-E; CONOB. 21mm, 4.48 g. ref: DOC 4e; MIBE 5; SB 345. EF. Lustrous. Excellent for the type! ex-CNG. #NAV022: $950 SOLD
Ancient Celtic Europe, c. 500 BC. Incredible Celtic gold lunate pendant! An intricate gold pendant in the form of a crescent moon, with inlaid spiral design and knobbed ridge, gold mounting loop on top. A marvel of ancient goldsmithing. A stunning and wearable piece of ancient art! Diameter: 1". Ex-Connell Collection, MA. #AC2001: $1200 SOLD
Ancient Greece. Macedon, 158 - 149 BC. Silver tetradrachm, struck under Roman occupation. Set into custom 14K gold bezel. Diademed head of Artemis with quiver over shoulder, in the center of a Macedonian shield / MAKEDONWN PRWTHS, club of Herakles within oak wreath; AP monogram above. Coin 29 mm, 16.82 g, Choice Extremely Fine with lovely patina. ref: SNG Ash. 3290. Entire piece 48 mm (1 7/8") including loop, weighs 31.80 g. Coin ex-Los Angeles, CA collection. High-quality and magnificent... this photo does absolutely no justice! #CG2135: $2500 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Maurice Tiberius. Gold solidus, struck 583 AD, Constantinople mint. Helmeted & cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger, DM MAVRC TIB PP AVI / Angel standing facing, holding long Chi-Rho-headed cross & globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGGG, officina letter (gamma), CONOB below. 23 mm, 4.38 g. Some wear to edges. ref: Berk 81, MIB 5. Sear 477. #CB2025: $650 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, struck 527-538 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder & shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe, VICTORI-A AVGGG, officina letter I; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. 21 mm, 4.44 g. ref: SB 137. Incredible detail, nice lustrous surfaces. #CB2075: $950 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Maurice Tiberius. Gold solidus, struck 583 AD, Constantinople mint. Helmeted & cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger, DM MAVRC TIB PP AVI / Angel standing facing, holding long Chi-Rho-headed cross & globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGGG, officina letter I, CONOB below. Ancient graffitti (upside-down "M E") below bust. 22 mm, 4.37 g. Off-center but with nice, sharp detail. ref: Berk 81, MIB 5. Sear 477. #CB2116: $650 SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. 1st – 3rd Century AD. Lovely Roman gold earring with a male putti; a grape vine wreath over his right shoulder and draped across his body, garnet cabochon set above the head. The earring is formed from a single piece of gold and of quality workmanship.19 x 13mm. Ex R. Fletcher collection, Taos, NM. #AR2542: $950 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Maximinus I, 235-238 AD. Silver denarius, set into stunning custom 14K gold bezel. His laureate, draped & cuirassed bust right, seen from behind, IMP MAXIMINVS PIVS AVG / Pax standing left with branch & sceptre, PAX AVGVSTI. 25 mm diameter, 3.91 grams total. Coin a strong EF with excellent detail. ref: sear5 #8310, RIC 12, RSC 31. #CR2835: $750 SOLD
Ancient Greece, c. 4th-1st century BC. One fantastic gold leaf from a victor's laurel wreath! Of the type awarded to an athlete during the Olympic games or other similar event. Made of sheet gold with linear impressed details. Measures 35x15 mm (1 3/8" x 5/8"). From the Herbert B. Stearns Collection; ex-CNG. #AG2169: $475 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justin I, 518-527 AD. Gold Solidus, struck 519-527 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTI-NVS P P AVG / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe, VICTORIA AVGGG, officina N; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. 21.5 mm, 4.44 g. ref: DOC I 2b; MIB I 3; BN 6; SB 56. Excellent detail, lustrous surfaces. #CB2078: $950 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Valens,364-378 AD. Stunning gold solidus, Antioch mint, struck 364-367 AD. His pearl-diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, DN VALENS PER F AVG / Emperor in military attire, standing facing, head right, holding labarum (chi-rho in standard) and Victory on globe holding wreath above his head, RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE. Mintmark: ANTS dot. 20.5 mm, 4.10 g. Faint wave to flan. ref: RIC IX 2d, xiii.5; cf. Cohen 32. ex-Canadian private collection. A gorgeous coin, much nicer in-hand! #CR2530: $1600 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Constans II, 641-668 AD. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint, struck c. 641 AD. His facing bust, wearing crown and chlamys, holding cross on globe, DN CONSTANTINUS PP AVG / The True Cross on three steps, VICTORIA AVGU and officina letter I; mintmark CONOB. 19 mm, 4.35 g. ref: MIB 3b; SB 938. ex-Stephen Album. Nice! #CB2108: $950 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, struck 527-538 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder & shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe, VICTORI-A AVGGG, officina letter N; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. 21 mm, 4.40 g. ref: SB 137. Beautiful detail, lustrous surfaces. #CB2073: $950 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justin I, 518-527 AD. Gold Solidus, struck 519-527 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTI-NVS P P AVG / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe, VICTORIA AVGGG, officina A; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. 21 mm, 4.48 g. ref: DOC I 2b; MIB I 3; BN 6; SB 56. Incredible detail! #CB2074: $925 SOLD
Late Roman to Byzantine, c. 5th – 8th Century AD. Gorgeous gold earring with a dangling cross, the arms of the cross supported by a circular band of twisted wire. Well-constructed and attractive. 37 x 16mm. Ex R. Fletcher collection, Taos, NM. #AR2543: $750 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Romanus III (1028-1034 AD). Gold histamenon nomisma, Constantinople mint. Encapsulated by NGC: Choice About Uncirculated, Strike 5/5 Surface 4/5, ex-Dimitriadis collection. Coin diameter 23 mm (7/8"). ref: DOC 1d; Sear 1819. Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing / Romanus, placing hand on breast and holding globus cruciger, standing facing, being crowned and blessed by the Virgin Mary. Well-centered strike, good details! Pedigreed to the Dimitriadis collection, as stated inside the slab. #NAV133: $2250 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Heraclius, 610-641 AD. Gorgeous gold solidus, Constantinople mint, 5th officina. Struck 610-613 AD. His draped and cuirassed facing bust, wearing plumed helmet, holding cross, dN hERACLIUS PP AV / Cross potent set on three steps; VICTORIA AVGU-Є, mintmark CONOB below. 22mm, 4.43 g. ref: DOC 3b; MIB 5; SB 731. Good VF, lustrous, some weakness of strike around the peripheries, underlying luster. Ex-CNG. Lovely! Struck commemorating the triumphant return of the True Cross to Constantinople after being seized by the Persians. For more about this amazing feat, see my page on Tokens of the True Cross which date from this event! #CB2288: $950 SOLD
Medieval Venice, Italy. Antonio Venier, Doge of Venice 1382-1400 AD. Gorgeous gold ducat. Christ Pantokrator standing facing within mandorla containing nine stars / St. Mark standing left, presenting banner to Doge kneeling to right, ANTO'•VENERIO – •S•M•VENETI. 20.5 mm, 3.54 g. ref: Gsmb 394/395; C+C 680; Metcalf 11 for type. Slightly wavy flan. Grades Extremely Fine! Ex Baldwin's sale 1619 September 26, 2012, lot 73. Incredible detail! Looks much better in hand. #CM2944: $950 SOLD
Ancient Greece, c. 4th-2nd century BC. Rare small gold foil clothing attachment depicting the face of Philip II of Macedon (Alexander the Great's father). Depicted with thick beard, laurel wreath around his head. The back in repousse, two tiny holes for sweing onto its original fabric backing. 12mm diameter. In excellent condition. Ex Northern California collection. Made from the same mold as AG2286 in ancient times! So incredibly rare. Much nicer in hand than the photo allows. #AG2285: $399 SOLD
Ancient Greece, c. 4th-2nd century BC. Rare small gold foil clothing attachment depicting the face of Philip II of Macedon (Alexander the Great's father). Depicted with thick beard, laurel wreath around his head. The back in repousse, two tiny holes for sweing onto its original fabric backing. 12mm diameter. In excellent condition. Ex Northern California collection. Made from the same mold as AG2285 in ancient times! So incredibly rare. Much nicer in hand than the photo allows. #AG2286: $399 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Valentinian I, 364-375 AD. Gold Solidus. Antioch mint, 3rd officina. Struck 364-367 AD. His pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust right, D N VALENTINIANVS P F AVG / Valentinian standing facing, head right, holding labarum and Victory on globe, RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE; ANT-G below. RIC IX 2a.ii.1; Depeyrot 30/1. VF, three parallel scratches on obverse, graffito ("K") on reverse. 22mm, 4.31 g. #cng260547: $1250 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Justin I. Gold solidus struck 519-527 AD. Constantinople mint. D N IVSTI-NVS P P AVG, helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy / VICTORI-A AVGGG and officina letter, angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. ref: DOC I 2b; MIB I 3; BN 6; SB 56. Ex-Frank S. Robinson collection. 21 mm, 4.36 g. Excellent detail! Nice lustre, good surfaces. Terrible photo. #fsr19822x2: $975 SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867-886 AD. Gold Solidus. Constantinople mint, struck 870-871 AD. Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing, + IHS XPS REX REGNANTIUM * / Crowned facing busts of Basil, wearing loros, and Constantine, wearing chlamys, holding patriarchal cross between them, BASILIOS ET CONSTAN.... 19mm, 4.33 g. ref: DOC 2c; Füeg 3.B; SB 1704. VF, nice for the type! ex-Princeton Economics department collection, acquired by Martin Armstrong. #cng2750226: $1299 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Romanus III, Argyrus. 1028-1034 AD. Large Gold Histamenon, Constantinople mint. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM, Christ enthroned facing, wearing nimbus, pallium and colobrium, raising right hand in benediction, holding Book of Gospels in left / THCE BOHTH RWMANW, Virgin Mary (nimbate) crowning emperor Romanus. Coin is in near perfect condition. ref: Sear 1819, DOC 1c. 24 mm, 4.34 g. Good VF, scratch across obverse. Goegeous golden tone (not reddish as photo suggests). Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). #281490-sn1uy: SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Romanus III, Argyrus. 1028-1034 AD. Large Gold Histamenon, Constantinople mint. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM, Christ enthroned facing, wearing nimbus, pallium and colobrium, raising right hand in benediction, holding Book of Gospels in left / THCE BOHTH RWMANW, Virgin Mary (nimbate) crowning emperor Romanus. Coin is in near perfect condition. ref: Sear 1819, DOC 1c. 25 mm, 4.42 g. Property of Princeton Economics acquired by Martin Armstrong. Ex Ed Borasio Collection (Sotheby's New York, 12 December 1994), lot 29. #901946-sn1cc: SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Romanus III, Argyrus. 1028-1034 AD. Large Gold Histamenon, Constantinople mint. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM, Christ enthroned facing, wearing nimbus, pallium and colobrium, raising right hand in benediction, holding Book of Gospels in left / THCE BOHTH RWMANW, Virgin Mary (nimbate) crowning emperor Romanus. Coin is in near perfect condition! Excellent detail, nice lustre. 25 mm, 4.42 grams. An absolutely stunning coin! Photo does no justice. #48955: $1550 SOLD

Ancient Rome. Constantius II, 337 - 361 AD. Gold solidus, Antioch mint. Struck 355-361 AD. His pearl-diademed head right, D N CONSTANTIVS P F AVG / Roma & Constantinoplis seated facing, supporting between them shield inscribed VOT XXXX; GLORIA REIPVBLICAE, ANT-G in ex. ref: RIC VIII 172. ex-Rob Golan; ex-Frank S. Robinson collection. 20.5 mm, 4.03 g. Rare type! #709240: $1499 SOLD

Valens, 364-378 AD. Gold solidus, Antioch mint, 5th officina. Struck 364-367 AD. His pearl-diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right, DN VALENS PER F AVG / Valens standing right, holding labarum in right hand & Victory on globe in left, cross to left, RESTITVTOR REIPUBLICAE, *ANTE* in ex. 21 mm, 4.20 g. ref: RIC IX 2d.xxxvii.5; Depeyrot 20/2. Near VF, light scratches. Ex-Classical Numismatic Group (CNG). #284420: $1250 SOLD

Ancient Rome. Leo I, 457-474 AD. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint. His diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust, spear over shoulder, DN LEO PERPET AVG / VICTORIA AVGGG, Victory standing left with long cross, star in right field; CONOB below. 20.3 mm, 4.44 g. Beautiful coin. ref: Sear 4233v. ex-Harold E Morgan III coll., ex-Frank S Robinson coll. #fsr0412359: $875 SOLD

Persia. Iran, Qajars. Fath 'Ali Shah. As Shah, 1212-1250 A.H. (1797-1834 AD). Gold Toman, Khoy mint. Dated 1239 A.H. (1823/4 AD). 23mm, 4.58 grams. ref: KM 753. Beautiful specimen! Radiant, golden tone (not reddish as these photos suggest). Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). #cng259540: $525 SOLD

Ancient Greece. Alexander III The Great, 336-323 BC. Gold stater. Magnificent coin! Struck just after his death, c. 311-300 BC, Babylon mint, where he died. Head of Athena wearing Corinthian helmet right, serpent on helmet / Nike advancing left, holding wreath & stylis. , monogram below. ref: price-3745/49. 17.5 mm, 8.49 g. #284102x2: SOLD

Byzantine Empire. Heraclius with Heraclius Constantine, 613-641 AD. Gold solidus, struck 629-631 AD, Constantinople mint. Facing busts of Heraclius (L) and Heraclius Constantine (R), each wearing crown with cross on circlet, the father with long beard and mustache, cross above, dd NN hERACLIUS ET hERA CONST PP AV / The True Cross on base on three steps, VICTORIA AVGY E; CONOB below. ref: Sear 749v. 21 mm, 4.36 g. Double-struck, but nice details. In 630 AD Heraclius invaded Persia, seized the True Cross and restored it back to Constantinople after it had been stolen during the sacking of the city by Sasanian king Khusro II. The True Cross is believed to be the actual cross upon which Jesus Christ died. #284103: SOLD
Superb and Rare Portrait of Christ Gold Coin

Byzantine Empire. Romanus III, Argyrus. 1028-1034 AD. Large Gold Histamenon, Constantinople mint. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM, Christ enthroned facing, wearing nimbus, pallium and colobrium, raising right hand in benediction, holding Book of Gospels in left / THCE BOHTH RWMANW, Virgin Mary (nimbate) crowning emperor Romanus. Coin is in near perfect condition. ref: Sear BCV #1819, DOC III 1. 25 mm, 4.28 g. ex-Daniel Frank Sedwick, Florida. #DS369922-sskk: SOLD

Ancient Rome. Honorius, 393-423 AD. Stunning gold solidus, Ravenna mint. His diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, D N HONORIVS P F AVG / Honorius standing right, holding labarum and Victory on globe, trampling captive. VICTORIA AVGGG / R-V, COMOB in exergue. ref: RIC X 1287. 21 mm, 4.48 grams. VF, small ding under left shoulder. ex-Frank S. Robinson collection. Gorgeous! #CR2108: $1275 SOLD
Ancient Islamic/Arabic. Abbasid caliphate. al-Mansur, 754-775 AD. Beautiful gold dinar, NM mint, struck AH 152. ref: Album-212. ANACS graded EF-40 details. Slabbed & authenticated by ANACS. ex-Stephen Album collection. #CP2043: $750 SOLD
Mamluk Egypt. Mamluks, Qa’itbay, 873-901 AH (1468-96 AD).
Gold Ashrafi. 15.5 mm, 3.39 g. VF with brilliant lustrous surfaces, nicely centered. Cables facing left as line dividers. ex-Frank S. Robinson, Albany, NY. ref: Album-1027. #CP2080: $575 SOLD
Ottoman Empire. Suleyman I "The Magnificent", 1520-1566 AD. Stunning gold sultani, Kostantiniye mint, struck 926 AH. 20 mm, 3.49 g. ref: Album-1317, lovely even strike, EF. Ex-Stephen Album. #CP2047: $725 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas, 610-641 AD. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint. Crowned figures of Heraclonas, Heraclius, and Heraclius Constantine standing facing, each holding globus cruciger / True Cross on three steps, VICTORIA AVGU-S, PTh monogram to left, CONOB below. 20 mm, 4.41 g. ref: SB 769; DOC 43; MIB 50. Gorgeous! #CB2023: $950 SOLD
In 630 AD Heraclius invaded Persia, seized the True Cross and restored it back to Constantinople after it had been stolen during the sacking of the city by Sasanian king Khusro II. The True Cross is believed to be the actual cross upon which Jesus Christ died.
Medieval Venice, Italy. Andrea Dandolo, Doge of Venice 1343-1354 AD. Gold Ducat. St. Mark presenting banner to kneeling Doge, ANDR DANDVLO DVX S M VENETI / Christ standing facing, raising hand in benediction and holding Gospels, surrounded by elliptical halo containing twelve stars, SIT T XPE DAT Q TV REGIS ISTE DUCAT. 20 mm, 3.53 g. ref: Paol 29.1. Rare! An extremely nice example with sharp detail, nice surfaces. #CM2186: $850 SOLD
Byzantine Empire, c. 8th-11th century AD. Incredible gold cross pendant. With central red stone or glass inlay surrounded with "braided" gold raised circular design, fine raised looped elements on the extremeties. H: 30 mm (1 3/16"), weighs 2.85 grams. Suspension loop intact. Perfectly preserved! ex-Tom Cederlind, Portland, OR. #JM2233: SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, struck 527-538 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder & shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe, VICTORI-A AVGGG, officina letter I; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. 21.5 mm, 4.48 g. ref: SB 137. Beautiful detail, lustrous surfaces. Small flat spot on nose. Absolutely gorgeous coin! #CB2112: $950 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Phocas, 602-610. Gold solidus, Constantinople mint, 7th officina. Struck 607-610 AD. His crowned, draped, and cuirassed facing bust, holding globus cruciger, DN FOCAS PERP AVG / Angel standing facing, holding long staff with backwards Chi-Rho tip and globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGU; Z//CONOB. 21.5 mm, 4.32 g. ref: DOC 10g; SB 620. Great detail! #CB2114: $850 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justin I, 518-527 AD. Gold Solidus, struck 519-527 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTI-NVS P P AVG / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe, VICTORIA AVGGG, officina I; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. 21 mm, 4.44 g. ref: DOC I 2b; MIB I 3; BN 6; SB 56. Small indentation at the tip of angel's wing. Excellent detail, lustrous surfaces. #CB2076: $950 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, struck 545-565 AD at Constantinople. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing, holding globus cruciger, DN IVSTINIANVS PP AVG / Angel standing facing, holding long Chi-Rho-headed cross & globus cruciger, VICTORIA AVGGG(theta), CONOB in exergue. 21 mm, 4.51 g. ref: DOC 9F; SB 140. Near-EF! Excellent detail, lustrous surfaces. A gem! Ex-Frank S. Robinson, NY. #CB2056: $850 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Anastasius I, 491-518 AD. Gold Solidus. His helmeted cuirassed bust facing, holding spear & shield, helmet with plume, trefoil ornament and diadem the ties of which show left, shield ornamented with horseman right spearing fallen foe, D N ANASTASIVS PP AVG / Victory standing left, holding long cross, star right, VICTORIA AVGGG B, CONOB in ex. 21 mm, 4.45 g. ref: Sear SB3, DO 3-5; MIB 3-5. Gorgeous coin with sharp detail and nice surfaces. Washed-out photo. #CB2080: $850 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justin I, 518-527 AD. Gold Solidus, struck 518-519 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTI-NVS P P AVG / Victory standing left, holding long jewelled cross surmounted by reversed P, VICTORIA AVGGG, officina letter I; star in left field; mintmark CONOB. 21 mm, 4.46 g. ref: DOC I 1b; MIB 2; BN 2; SB 55. Sharp detail gorgeous, lustrous surfaces. #CB2079: SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Constantine V with Leo IV, 751-775 AD. Gold Solidus, Constantinople mint. Crowned facing bust of Leo III, wearing loros and holding cross potent, G LE ON PA MU or MUL / Crowned facing busts of Constantine, with short beard, on left and Leo IV, unbearded, on right; each wearing crown and chlamys; dot between heads, cross above, CONSTANTINOS S LEON O NEOS. 21 mm, 4.41 g. ref: DOC III 2c; BN 6-10; SB 1551. VF with strong portraits, exceptional detail, light scratches on obverse. ex-Frank S. Robinson, Albany, NY. MUCH better in-hand! #NAV048: $2000 SOLD
Early Gold Coin Depicting Jesus Christ! Byzantine Empire. Basil I the Macedonian, with Constantine, 867-886 AD. Gold Solidus, Constantinople mint. Struck 871-886 AD. Christ Pantokrator enthroned facing, nimbate, raising right hand and holding book of gospels, +IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUM; star at end of legend / Crowned facing busts of Basil with short beard and wearing loros on left and Constantine, no beard, wearing chlamys on right, holding patriarchal cross between them, bASILOS ET COnSTAnT AVGG b. 20mm, 4.40 g. ref: DOC 2c; Füeg 3.C.2; SB 1704. Deposits in devices. VF. From the J.B. Collection, purchased Autumn 2006; ex CNG. #CB2289: $1500 SOLD
Large Early Gold Coin Depicting Jesus Christ!
Byzantine Empire. Romanus III Argyrus, 1028-1034 AD. Gold Histamenon Nomisma, Constantinople mint. Christ enthroned facing, nimbus cross behind head, holding book of gospels and raising right hand, double border, +IhS XIS REX REGNANTInM / Romanus on left, wearing a saccos and loros and holding cross on globe, usually with four dots on the fold of robe hanging below (but can be 5-8 dots), being crowned by Mary, nimbate on right, MQ between their heads, double border, QCE bOHQ RWMAnW. 23.5mm, 4.41 g. ref: DOC 1c; Füeg II 1.D.5.y; SB 1819. Some light marks and scratches. VF. From the Jack A. Frazer, purchased from Harlan J. Berk, Ltd. Ex-CNG. #CB2297: $1800 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Heraclius, 610-641 AD. Gold Tremissis, Constantinople mint, 6th officina. Struck 613-641 AD. Pearl-diademed, draped, and cuirassed bust of Heraclius right, DN hERACLIUS T PP AVG / The True Cross; VICTORIA AVGU, S//CONOB. 14.5mm, 1.44 g. ref: DOC 54; MIB 74; SB 787. Light scratches. Good VF. Ex-CNG. Struck commemorating the triumphant return of the True Cross to Constantinople after being seized by the Persians. For more about this amazing feat, see my page on Tokens of the True Cross which date from this event! #CB2296: $950 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Heraclius, 610-641 AD. Gorgeous gold solidus, Constantinople mint, 5th officina. Struck 610-613 AD. His draped and cuirassed facing bust, wearing plumed helmet, holding cross, dN hERACLIUS PP AV / Cross potent set on three steps; VICTORIA AVGU-Є, mintmark CONOB below. 21mm, 4.39 g. ref: DOC 3b; MIB 5; SB 731. EF, lustrous, some weakness of strike around the peripheries, “Δ” graffito on reverse. Ex-CNG. Beautiful example! Struck commemorating the triumphant return of the True Cross to Constantinople after being seized by the Persians. For more about this amazing feat, see my page on Tokens of the True Cross which date from this event! #CB2273: SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justin I, 518-527 AD. Gold Solidus, struck 518-519 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder and shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTI-NVS P P AVG / Victory standing left, holding long jewelled cross surmounted by reversed P, VICTORIA AVGGG, officina letter I; star in left field; mintmark CONOB. 21.5 mm, 4.48 g. ref: DOC I 1b; MIB 2; BN 2; SB 55. Excellent detail! #CB2077: $925 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, struck 527-538 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder & shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe, VICTORI-A AVGGG, officina letter I; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. 21.5 mm, 4.44 g. ref: SB 137. Beautiful detail, lustrous surfaces. Small banker's mark on back. Stunning! #CB2113: $950 SOLD
Portrait of Christ Gold Coin. Byzantine Empire. Constantine IX Monomachus, 1042-1055 AD. Stunning large gold Histamenon Nomisma, Constantinople mint. Struck 1049-1053 AD. Slightly scyphate (cup-shaped) coin! Bust of Christ facing wearing nimbus cross with two crescents in its upper quarters, holding book of Gospels and raising right hand, triple border. +IhS XIS REX REGNANTINM / Crowned facing bust of Constantine, wearing crown and loros, holding cruciform scepter and globus cruciger, +CWNST AN bASILEUS RM. 26.5mm, 4.36 g. ref: DOC 3; SB 1830 for type. Small ding in left obverse field, a few light scratches and marks. Extremely well preserved with a stunning portrait of Christ. A breathtaking example! Ex CNG. #CB2347: $2100 SOLD
Superb Gold Coin of Heraclius
The Gem of the Collection:
In 630 AD Heraclius invaded Persia, seized the True Cross and restored it back to Constantinople after it had been stolen during the sacking of the city by Sasanian king Khusro II. The True Cross is believed to be the actual cross upon which Jesus Christ died.

Heraclius, with Heraclius Constantine and Heraclonas. 610-641. Gold Solidus, Constantinople mint, 1st officina. Struck 637-638 AD. Heraclius, crowned, with long moustache and long beard in centre, Heraclonas, crowned, on left, and Heraclius Constantine, crowned, unbearded, on right, all wearing chlamys and holding cross on globe / VICTORIA AVGU and officina letter "A", True Cross on three steps, monograms to left and right, CONOB below. 19mm, 4.23 g. ref: DOC 39a; MIB 45; SB 764. Radiant, golden tone. Ex-Classical Numismatic Galleries (CNG). Extremely Fine. #cng259438: $975 SOLD
Ancient Greece, c. 4th-1st century BC. Two gold leaves from a victor's laurel wreath! Of the type awarded to an athlete during the Olympic games or other similar event. Made of sheet gold with linear impressed details. One leaf long and straight, the other a bit crumpled at the end. 36 and 30 mm (1 7/16" and 1 3/16") respectively. Weigh just .19 grams together. Extremely rare! #272115: $750/pair or $400 each SOLD
Ancient Rome, c. early 1st century AD. Excellent and large gold leaf from either a Royal diadem or a victor's laurel wreath! Made of sheet gold with 5 lobes, linear impressed details, and small circular hole at the base where it would have been attached to the wreath. 36x26 mm (1 7/16" x 1"), and weighs .55 grams. Extremely rare. #272114: $750 SOLD
Medieval Venice, Italy. Pietro Lando, 1539-1545 AD. Gold Ducat. St. Mark presenting banner to kneeling Doge, PIET LANDO SM VENET around, DVX down staff / Christ standing facing, raising hand in benediction and holding Gospels, surrounded by elliptical halo containing twelve stars, SIT T XPE DAT Q TV REGIS ISTE DUCAT around. 21.01mm, 3.47g. ref: Pao. 1, [p.60]. Very rare! An extremely nice example. #86266x2: $850 SOLD
Medieval Venice, Italy. Francesco Foscari, 1423-1457 AD. Gold Ducato. St. Mark standing right, presenting banner to Doge kneeling left / Christ Pantokrator standing facing within mandorla containing nine stars. 21mm, 3.52 g. ref: Papadopoli 1-2 var.; Paolucci 1. Near EF, flatness in center. Ex Classical Numismatic Auctions XII (26 December 1990). An excellent example! Gorgeous gold tone (not reddish as this photo suggests). #cng2750347x2: $850 SOLD
Ancient Islamic/Arabic. Abbasid caliphate. al-Rashid, 786-809 AD, gold dinar, NM [Egypt] mint, struck AH173. 18 mm, 4.01g. Ex-Stephen Album. ref: Album 218.8. Gorgeous! #SA13404x2: $499 SOLD
Ancient Islamic/Arabic. Abbasid caliphate. al-Rashid, 786-809 AD, gold dinar. NM [Madinat al-Salam] mint, struck AH185. 19 mm, 3.69g. Ex-Stephen Album. ref: A. 218.3. #SA13399x2: $499 SOLD

Ottoman Empire. Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Stunning gold sultani, Misr (Egypt) mint, struck AH926. Ex-Stephen Album. ref: Album 1317. 10 mm, 3.54 g. Beautiful! #SA13635x2: $599 SOLD

Umayyad, Hisham, 724-743 AD. Gold dinar, NM mint, struck 114 AH. About Uncirculated! 4.23 g. ref: Album-136. Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. Excellent! #SA14138x2: $750 SOLD
Ayyubid, 1218-1238 AD. al-Kamil Muhammad I, gold dinar, al-Qahira mint. Struck 7th century A.H. ref: Album-811.3. VF, 21 mm, 3.19 g. Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. #SA14320: $599 SOLD
Ottoman Empire. Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Stunning gold sultani. Kostantiniye mint, struck 926 AH. 20 mm, 3.37g. ref: Album-1317, bold strike, VF to EF. Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. Nice! #SA14369: $599 SOLD
Ottoman Empire. Suleyman I The Magnificent, 926-994 A.H. (1520-1566 AD). Stunning gold sultani, Misr mint (Egypt), struck 926 AH. 19 mm, 3.53 g. ref: Album-1317, lovely struck, EF! Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. #SA14370x2: $650 SOLD
Islamic Persia. Ghaznavid, 999-1030 AD. Mahmud, gold dinar, Herat mint, struck 401 AH. lillah atop reverse field, between 2 small triplets of dots. 25 mm, 4.23 g. VF. ref: Album-1606. Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. #SA14595: $599 SOLD
Islamic Persia. Samanid, 'Abd al-Malik I, 954-961 AD. Gold dinar, Nishapur mint, struck 343 AH. 24 mm, 4.27 g. Citing the long deposed caliph al-Mustakfi. Lovely EF! ref: Album-1460. Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. #SA14553x2: $650 SOLD
Sulayhid, 1091-1137 AD. Queen 'Arwa bint Ahmad, gold 1/2 dinar, Dhu Jibla mint, struck 498 AH. 18 mm, 1.13g. ref: Album-1078.1. Broad flan, clear date, choice Extremely Fine! Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. Rare! #SA14331: $750 SOLD
Tulunid, 896-905 AD. Harun, gold dinar, Misr mint (Egypt), struck 285 AH. Citing caliph al-Mu'tadid. ref: Album-667.1. Extremely Fine! 22 mm, 3.85 g. Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. #SA14254: $750 SOLD

Fatimid, 975-996 AD. al-'Aziz, gold dinar, Misr mint (Egypt), struck 372 AH. Nice VF. 22 mm, 4.15 g. ref: Album-703, Nicol-707. Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. #SA14265: $650 SOLD
Islamic Persia. Ghaznavid, 999-1030 AD. Mahmud, gold dinar, Nishapur mint, struck 391 AH. Choice EF! ref: Album-1606. 24 mm, 4.78 g. Ex-John Page collection; ex-Stephen Album. #SA14596x2: $675 SOLD
Islamic Persia. Ghaznavid Dynasty. Mahmud, 999-1030 AD. Gold dinar, Herat mint, struck 411 AH. 24 mm, 4.56 g. ref: Album-1607. VF. ex-Stephen Album. #CP2056: $475 SOLD
Ancient Islamic. Abbasid Caliphate. al-Ma'mun, 810-833 AD. Gold dinar, Misr (Egypt) mint, struck AH203. Citing Tahir & al-Sari, inscribed al-maghrib ("the west") below the obverse field, slightly clipped. 17 mm, 4.02g. ref: A-222.7. Fine to VF. ex-Stephen Album collection. #CP2018: $650 SOLD
Ancient Islamic. Abbasid Caliphate. al-Muqtadir, 908-932 AD. Gold dinar, al-Karaj mint, struck 318 AH. Mint recut from what was probably al-Kufa. ref: Album-245.2. 23 mm, 2.66 g. VF, Rare! During this period, dies were produced at a central location near Madinat al-Salam, and distributed to other mints. ex-Stephen Album. #CP2045: $650 SOLD
Islamic Persia. Samanid Dynasty. Nasr II, 914-943 AD. Gold dinar, Nishapur mint, struck AH 331. Caliph al-Muttaqi, citing the engraver Bu Harith in the obverse margin at 1h, nice strike. 25 mm, 4.19g. ref: Album-1449. choice EF. ex-Stephen Album. An absolutely fantastic coin! #CP2090: $750 SOLD
Ancient Persian Gold Artifacts
Amlash, ancient Persia, c. 7th – 6th century BC. Beautiful gold clothing ornament. Masterfully crafted from hammered sheet gold, with central raised boss and repoussé decoration. Dia: 3/4" (20 mm), 0.27 g. Perforated for attachment. Ex Taisei Gallery. Gorgeous! #AP2051: $250 SOLD
Crusaders, Venetians in the Levant. Under doge Andrea Dandolo, c. 1344-1382 AD. Gold Ducat, imitating Venice. Christ standing facing, raising hand in benediction and holding Gospels, surrounded by elliptical halo containing four stars to left, five to right; pellet between feet, TACVCE TSISI : GP • VT • Q‘TAC • EP XTTIS / Saint Mark standing right, holding Gospels and presenting banner containing two pellets to Doge kneeling left, DVX down flag staff, SZVENETI (horizontal)/ VECBCANCVTO. 21mm, 3.49 g. Ref: CNI VII 37 (for type); cf. Ives pl. XIII (same); cf. Gamberini 344 (Roberto d’Angio pr. Acaia). Near EF, slightly clipped. From the Prue Morgan Fitts Collection. Ex Classical Numismatic Review XXVII (Summer 2002), no. 89. #CM2199: $1200 SOLD

Ancient Greece, c. 4th-1st century BC. One large gold leaf from a victor's laurel wreath! Of the type awarded to an athlete during the Olympic games or other similar event. Made of sheet gold with linear impressed details. L: 37 mm (1 7/16"). Somewhat torn and crumpled. From the Herbert B. Stearns Collection; ex-CNG. #AG2170: $475 SOLD
Ancient Greece, c. 4th-1st century BC. One fantastic gold leaf from a victor's laurel wreath! Of the type awarded to an athlete during the Olympic games or other similar event. Made of sheet gold with linear impressed details. Measures 16x16 mm (5/8" x 5/8"). Somewhat torn and crumpled. From the Herbert B. Stearns Collection; ex-CNG. #AG2171: $299 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, with Romanus I and Christopher. 913-959 AD. Gold Solidus, Constantinople mint. Struck 924-931 AD. Christ nimbate, seated facing, raising right hand in benediction and holding book of gospels, +IhS XPS REX REGNANTIUM* / Crowned facing busts of Romanus I, wearing loros, and Christopher, wearing chlamys, holding patriarchal cross between them, ROMAn ET XPISTOFO' AUGG b'. 20 mm, 4.35 g. ref: DOC 7; Füeg 7.A.2; SB 1745. Near VF, some marks and scratches, traces of deposits. From the Prue Morgan Fitts Collection. #CB2081: $1200 SOLD
Roman Empire. Valentinian II, 375-392 AD. Gold solidus, Trier mint. His pearl-diademed, draped & cuirassed bust right, DN VALENTINIANVS PF AVG / Valentinian & Theodosius seated facing, both nimbate, holding globe between them; behind & between them Victory is standing with outspread wings, small palm between. VICTORIA AVGG / T-R across fields, mintmark COM. 22 mm, 4.42 g. EF details, small mark on cheek, light scratches in obv rt field & around rev legend. ref: RIC IX 90A, Depeyrot 53/1. Fantastic and rare! #CR2141: $2900 SOLD
Ancient Rome. Valens, 364-378 AD. Gold solidus, Antioch mint. His pearl-diademed, draped, cuirassed bust right, D N VALENS PER F AVG / Emperor standing left, head right, holding labarum marked with cross and Victory on globe, RESTITVTOR REIPVBLICAE. ref: RIC IX 2d, xiii.4; Cohen 32. 21.5 mm, 4.10 g. Polished VF with light scratches on reverse field. With full color photo certificate. Ex-Daniel Frank Sedwick, FL. #CR2998: $1200 SOLD
Kushan, India, c. 191-230 AD. Vasu Deva I, Gold stater. Nimbate king standing left, sacrificing over altar, holding filleted trident above altar and resting left hand on sceptre, 2nd trident above altar / Shiva standing facing, holding wreath in right hand and resting left hand on trident, the bull Nandi left behind him, tamgha in upper left field. Large 22 mm, 7.98 grams and thick! ref: Mitch-3387 ff. Very Fine. ex-Stephen Album. Gorgeous! #CP2107: $2800 SOLD
The Gem of the Collection:

Byzantine Empire. Constans II, 641-668 AD. Stunning gold Solidus, Constantinople mint, struck 641 AD. His facing bust with long beard and moustache, wearing crown and chlamys, holding cross on globe, DN CONSTANTINUS PP AVG / The True Cross upon three steps, VICTORIA AVGU-B; mintmark CONOB. 20mm, 4.47 g. ref: SB-956. Choice EF details! Light scuff marks on reverse. ex-Matthew Jamgochian collection, Glendale, CA, purchased 2005. Struck commemorating the triumphant return of the True Cross to Constantinople after being seized by the Persians. For more about this amazing feat, see my page on Tokens of the True Cross which date from this event! #CB2262: SOLD
Achaemenid, ancient Persia, c. 5th Century BC. A choice Persian gold foil plaque. In the form of a sphinx with bearded head of a king of hero wearing a short headdress, wings curled forward. 24 x 19 mm. Nicely detailed with four holes which fastened to a belt or garment. Ex David Liebert, Time Machine, NY. #AP2402: $1500 SOLD
Ancient Greece, c. 4th-2nd century BC. One fantastic gold leaf from a victor's laurel wreath or diadem! Of the type awarded to an athlete during the Olympic games or other similar event. Made of sheet gold with linear impressed details. 35mm (1 5/16"). ex- Gilman collection; ex Hendin list 74 no. 362. #AG2206: $950 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Justinian I, 527-565 AD. Gold solidus, struck 527-538 AD. Constantinople mint. His helmeted and cuirassed bust facing three-quarters to right, holding spear over shoulder & shield decorated with horseman spearing a fallen enemy, D N IVSTINI-ANVS P P AVG / Angel standing facing, holding jewelled cross and cross on globe, VICTORI-A AVGGG, officina letter I; star in right field; mintmark CONOB. 22.5 mm, 4.40 g. ref: SB 137. Beautiful detail. #CB2072: $925 SOLD
Byzantine Empire. Anastasius I, 491-518 AD. Gold Solidus. His helmeted cuirassed bust facing, holding spear & shield, helmet with plume, trefoil ornament and diadem the ties of which show left, shield ornamented with horseman right spearing fallen foe, D N ANASTASIVS PP AVG / Victory standing left, holding long cross, star right, VICTORIA AVGGG I, CONOB in ex. 21 mm, 4.46 g. ref: Sear SB3, DO 3-5; MIB 3-5. Small round dent to left of chin. Gorgeous coin with sharp detail and nice surfaces. #CB2115: $850 SOLD
Amlash, ancient Persia, c. 7th – 6th century BC. Beautiful gold clothing ornament. Masterfully crafted from hammered sheet gold, with central raised boss and repoussé decoration. Dia: 3/4" (19.5 mm), 0.27 g. Perforated for attachment. Ex Taisei Gallery. Gorgeous! #AP2052: $299 SOLD
Ancient Roman forgery! Constantius II, 337-361 AD. "Fourre" gold solidus, Nicomedia mint. An ancient forgery, in base metal with gold wash. Struck 351-355 AD. His diademed, helmeted & cuirassed bust facing, with spear over shoulder & shield decorated with horseman, FL IVL CONSTANTIVS PERP AVG / Roma and Constantinopolis enthroned supporting between them shield inscribed VOT XXX MVLT XXXX, GLORIA REIPVBLICAE. Mintmark SMNBG. ref: RIC VIII 74, Sear #3988, Cohen 112. 20.8 mm, 2.17 g. #CR2581: $125 SOLD
Crusader Kings of Jerusalem. Beautiful gold dinar (bezant), struck in the early 13th century, type derived from the al-Amir Fatimid dinar, without Latin legends. 23mm, 3.44g. VF. ref: CCS-4 for type. These imitations were struck by the Christian Kings of Jerusalem, presumably at the fortress town of Acre. Ex Stephen Album, definitive expert and author of the references on Islamic coins. #CM3095: $1500 SOLD