Guaranteed Authentic.
Ancient Coins & Artifacts:
CONTACT GABRIEL: tel: 1+818-425-9633 
(This is not a link - please type address directly into email... this is to control spam)
Also see: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
- E-mail: Make sure to include item description, number, price, and your address. Please be descriptive in your email subject line!
Please email me the item type and ID number, along with your preferred shipping method and I will send you a Paypal invoice. Easy!
I accept Visa and MasterCard - please call or email me to order. All transmissions are secure and confidential.
An easy way to email CC information is to send 2 separate emails:
1) First 8 digits of card number, and expiration date
2) Second 8 digits of card number, name on the card, and billing/shipping address(es).
Or you can call me at (818) 425-9633
Mail to: Ancient Resource
PO Box 278, Montrose, CA 91021-0278
or: 3715 Market Street, Suite 205
Glendale, CA. 91208 USA
* Make sure to include item type and ID number, and your shipping address.
* CA residents please add 9.25% sales tax.
* I'm happy to ship any method available. My shipping costs are honest and affordable!
Disclaimer: I run this business myself... all research, travel, buying, photographing, selling, study, and website issues are taken care of by me (Gabriel). Sometimes items are sold and not immediately removed from the website. Basically what I'm saying is, "Items may be sold or reserved without notice." Sorry about that.
Feel free to e-mail me photographs of items you like, or are looking to sell. Please size digital photos down to a web-friendly size.
About Gabriel Vandervort
and Ancient Resource
For three years before entering into this fascinating world of ancient artifacts, exploration and travel, I was a producer and writer for History Channel documentaries. I soon became the "go-to guy" for ancient history documentaries, including The Apostle Paul, Saint Peter: the Rock, The Twelve Apostles, and the series The Most. After leaving the production world in 2002 I began developing my own business before launching it in 2004.
I began Ancient Resource as an outlet for my love of antiquities and ancient history. I feel honored to be able to expose people to authentic artifacts of the ancient world, teach them about the history of the world at the time, and help them connect, through physical artifacts and coin portraits, with the heroes and villains of ancient history. I enjoy speaking at schools, bringing coins and artifacts for the children to touch and hold. I see this as a rare and beautiful way to bring the often-intangible subject of history into their very hands.
In late 2004, I set off on a month-long expedition through Egypt and Jordan with my two good friends Kelly and Michelle Ramage. Every day was an adventure-- we avoided the "beaten path" and overly-touristed locations and instead stuck to ancient maps and writings to find our destinations. We roamed the vast Sahara Desert where ancient cities and temples once stood, discovered tombs where the mummies still lay upon their burial slabs, lived in tents with Bedouins who guided us through their discoveries, and rode by horse and donkey through the cliffs of Petra, Jordan-- in my opinion the most beautiful place on earth. See photos and read my travelogue from the trip!
Please enjoy the site! Stay a while and come back soon!
--Gabriel Vandervort, Ancient Resource
MORE: Authenticity / Origin of the collections / Payment & shipping options, and other Frequently Asked Questions

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All contents (C) 2003-2025 AD. All rights reserved.
Owned, Operated, and Obsessed Upon by Gabriel Vandervort.
Reproduction without permission is prohibited.
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Related terms: about Gabriel Vandervort, Gabriel Vandervort Ancient Resource, Contact Gabriel Vandervort, contact Ancient Resource, Sell ancient coins, selling ancient artifactsHistory Channel documentaries, who is Gabe Vandervort